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Forums - Sony Discussion - for sony fanboys only: ps3 domination outside NA begins now!!11!!

starcraft said:
PooperScooper said:
My definition of domination is a little skewed. i say it is outperforming peoples expectations

In order to meet it's expectations, the PS3 needs to capture around 70% of the global market, demonstrate an enormous power advantage over the Xbox 360, and prove that it is more innovative than the Wii.

Im taking bets now:) 

I have no clue what you are smoking. People expected it to fail because of Blu-ray and high price. It didn't.

Around the Network
ils411 said:
madskillz said:
ils411 said:
madskillz said:
Dolla Dolla said:
I'll take my domination with pepperoni, a-thank u.

And please, PLEASE ... hold the anchovies. They are way way too salty for me ...

OT: How many more posts before this thread is locked? Hmmm ... I'll bet $100 VG$ that it's closed in the next .... upteen posts.

so, if thirteen to fifteen makes up dwonteen and sixteen to nineteen makes up the upteen, and posts have passed twenty, would this mean i win? :P

/ Proof positive why PCs, Web access and trailer parks don't mix.

OT - the 360 has a  7M lead in NA over the PS3 - and is still leading in Others - and dang - even my nana knew the 360 would phail in Japan. What was your point again? Your post just made my brain hurt ...

original point is that ps3 has just passed the total 360 install base ww outside of NA.

and as for NA, ps3 will probably cut the the 7m lead, but i dont see it overtaking it.





hey look, threads still open, and posts have past the upteen where's my $100 VG$?

Reasonable said:
Oh, let people have fun... besides I'm not sure that Wii and PS3/360 even compete fully. Most PS3/360 owners I know wanted HD gaming and never considered a Wii as competition, they either got one as well or ignored it.

Really PS3 and 360 are locked in battle right now for a different demographic than Wii so I guess I see some point to the thread if you're a PS3 fan.


They do compete fully. For a game system to be very succesfull it needs to capture the casual market like PS1 and 2 did. There are only so many "hardcore" gamers.

Besides that, developers have limited budget, so all systems compete for 3rd party games. 

Actually one of the mods made a rule that you can't say for X fans only. Everyone has to be included =P

Anyway, I see this as a small achievement and certainly not as 'no turning back'. We all knew that PS3>X360 in Japan, actually I'm surprised that its only just caught up - Europe used to be Sonys stronghold.

BengaBenga said:
Reasonable said:
Oh, let people have fun... besides I'm not sure that Wii and PS3/360 even compete fully. Most PS3/360 owners I know wanted HD gaming and never considered a Wii as competition, they either got one as well or ignored it.

Really PS3 and 360 are locked in battle right now for a different demographic than Wii so I guess I see some point to the thread if you're a PS3 fan.


They do compete fully. For a game system to be very succesfull it needs to capture the casual market like PS1 and 2 did. There are only so many "hardcore" gamers.

Besides that, developers have limited budget, so all systems compete for 3rd party games.

 I wouldn't say that, if there was no Wii I don't think the PS3 would have sold that much faster. Probably this would mostly have benefitted PS2, GameCube and 360 core sales. There is near as good as no game overlap between PS3 and Wii, for the top 20 selling games for both platforms there is no overlap apart from Guitar Hero 3, but I think the Wii version competes more with the PS2 version. If you have a HDTV and a PS3, I think most would get the PS3 version for better audio and visuals.

IMO a future cheaper slimline PS3 will compete more for "casuals" when the PS2 is discontinued, probably in 2009.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales

Around the Network
ils411 said:
iclim4 said:
ils411 said:
so, if thirteen to fifteen makes up dwonteen and sixteen to nineteen makes up the upteen, and posts have passed twenty, would this mean i win? :P

OMG that didnt make sense but for some reason I cant stop laughing.

come to think of it, your right! but glad to see it made someone laugh 

well I figured it out. upteen isnt really a word, then you couple it with a dumber sounding word "downteen"(reading it as dwonteen is also funny as hell) then acting all giddy about it, probably caused some sort of influx in the subconscious of my cerebral cortex causing my forgotten childhood memories to resurface and tickle my funny bone, thus inducing some sort epiphany from the oh so random comment. Yes you can ignore this comment cause it also makes no sense.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------                         iclim4 - "The Friends Thread changed my life!" (Pervert Alert!)                                            Tags? 

It's funny that this thread is being posted in the week during which it may become clear that the WIi has definitely won Japan.

Even if we consider it PS3 vs 360 only, the PS3 still has a lot to prove - specifically, after the 360 gets price cuts. It's possible that it will win in Europe even after that happens, but it's not certain.

So to sum up:

North America: Wii will probably win, 360 will do very well with the hardcore, PS3 may keep lagging behind (although with respectable sales).

Europe: Wii will win, PS3 will do well, 360 may do well depending on what happens this year. All the three consoles have respectable sales.

Japan: The only console with healthy sales is the Wii, with the PS3 lagging behind with low attach rate and poor hardware sales. The 360 is just terrible here (as expected).

Remember when I created a thread defending that PS3's hardest fight was in Japan? It's becoming increasingly clear that I was right. The PS3 is just not gaining acceptance as a gaming machine in Japan, except for a very hardcore niche of players.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Im happy for ps3. Should start to even out the ports and whateva. but when ps3 starts(if) it starts winning in NA then its panic time for 360

PooperScooper said:
starcraft said:
PooperScooper said:
My definition of domination is a little skewed. i say it is outperforming peoples expectations

In order to meet it's expectations, the PS3 needs to capture around 70% of the global market, demonstrate an enormous power advantage over the Xbox 360, and prove that it is more innovative than the Wii.

Im taking bets now:)

I have no clue what you are smoking. People expected it to fail because of Blu-ray and high price. It didn't.

Maybe that's so on "Planet PooperScooper" but down here on Earth talk was about PS3 capturing 50-80% of the market, outselling the Wii in 2006 and never looking back. Wii was not given a number higher than the Gamecube in anyone's figures. In fact, even now it's difficult to find a prediction where PS3 doesn't come in first place. Does anyone have a link to that thread with analyst forecasts from 2006 handy?

Help! I'm stuck in a forum signature!

PooperScooper said:
More than 10k Japans numbers aren't posted this week. Probablly like 30k which is still nothing. But still it has passed the 360 with being out half the time.

 Less time then that, if you consider PS3 has not even been out in Europe a year yet.

Hmm, pie.