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Forums - Gaming Discussion - PS3 destroys 360 in others.

^ or a couple AAA, 360 exclusives

Remember PPL Microsoft can never lose... they have too much money.

Microsoft desides when they lose.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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weezy said:

Wow peep it.


So in the US PS3 outsells 360 as usual for and then PS3 destroys 360 in Japan as usual..


Good thing Microsoft is used to coming within miles of success



weezy said:

Remember PPL Microsoft can never lose... they have too much money.

 because they came in first last generation, right?


It was thier first system troll boy.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



weezy said:
It was thier first system troll boy.

 and that proves what exactly

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sonys first system dominated....

Usually ppl dont jump right into a gaming market dominated by nintendo and sony and come out on top 1st gen.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



weezy said:
Usually ppl dont jump right into a gaming market dominated by nintendo and sony and come out on top 1st gen.

well first off, nintendo wasn't "dominating" anything at the time, last time I checked PS1>N64 sales, and why couldn't they have jumped in an won? if they had so much money like you claim, they could have just bought exclusivity to every game they wanted. the reason they lost is because they're a crappy company that should stick to software. money has nothing to do with it.

weezy said:
Usually ppl dont jump right into a gaming market dominated by nintendo and sony and come out on top 1st gen.
 Sony jumped in on Nintendo and Sega and they dominated 1st gen. 


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sorry to break it to you guys.

Trust me you'll see in a couple months.

Remember, huge exclusives. :)

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!

