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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Your reaction to the Wii U drought?

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trestres said:
My thoughts? Nintendo has already abandoned Wii U development of SW and will space out their releases in a much more disgusting manner.

Meaning, that we might only see what has been announced or unannounced and in the works until now, but they will not embark on any new projects. So they will need to space their releases a lot. We could get 5 games per year, which is TERRIBLE.

They will probably support the console until Q1 2016. After that, I fear that it'll be the end of home consoles for them. And It will mean that they lose their most loyal fans forever, as a serious console cannot die in less than 4 years.

They will not waste any more money on this. If QOL is a success, we might even see Wii U go away even sooner.

I can't seem to remember a more terrible drought than this one. Third parties are already gone and they won't come back. Investors will push for the death of the console. Wii U owners will never buy another home console from Nintendo at launch. Sad to see Nintendo sink, but stubborn companies deserve this. Annoyed because people who put their trust and money on them have been lied to and scammed.

I wouldn't go as far as to say that Nintendo will never release another home console and all that stuff but they flubbed the Wii U and HARD. I'm extremely pissed about all this and I won't buy the next Nintendo console at launch unless they provide a 3D Mario or Zelda at launch alongside the console. Nintendo showed me they can't be trusted with the home console front.


Now as for the end of the Wii U, I think it will be replaced in 2017 or 2018. Which is less than time the 360 and PS3 were replaced. 5 years is pushing it but 6 is acceptable and I think Nintendo knows it. 


Iwata has to go. He did his part with the Wii and DS. He did an amazing job but this is unacceptable. He needs to take action or accept that he is no longer fit for the job because this is becoming pathetic and embarrassing.

My reaction to it? Well, I have a massive backlog of games so I'll play those while I wait for X (and hopefully SMTxFE eventually). Not to mention a ton of other great games are releasing on PS3 this year that I've got to get, so I'm going to be fine.

I don't have much time for video games anyways. So I'm alright with it.

trestres said:
My thoughts? Nintendo has already abandoned Wii U development of SW and will space out their releases in a much more disgusting manner.

Meaning, that we might only see what has been announced or unannounced and in the works until now, but they will not embark on any new projects. So they will need to space their releases a lot. We could get 5 games per year, which is TERRIBLE.

They will probably support the console until Q1 2016. After that, I fear that it'll be the end of home consoles for them. And It will mean that they lose their most loyal fans forever, as a serious console cannot die in less than 4 years.

They will not waste any more money on this. If QOL is a success, we might even see Wii U go away even sooner.

I can't seem to remember a more terrible drought than this one. Third parties are already gone and they won't come back. Investors will push for the death of the console. Wii U owners will never buy another home console from Nintendo at launch. Sad to see Nintendo sink, but stubborn companies deserve this. Annoyed because people who put their trust and money on them have been lied to and scammed.

dont ever change my friend dont ever change

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Doesn't bother me, my backlog is ridiculous. I actually like some of the indie games, especially the ubisoft one. I'm sure ill be fine. Plus, I can't game like I use to anymore, so maybe I'll actually start beating some games in my library

I honestly expected it. I think if Nintendo does EVER realized there is a problem with their pipeline's speed they will fix it very slowly. May not see the problem fixed until the end of this console's life cycle.

I have a backlog so i don't care. Need to start Kingdoms of Amalur

My reaction is the Wii U is the N64 part 2. Have some fantastic first party titles, little to no third party support and droughts along the way.

By the end of its life I think the Wii U will be remembered more fondly than now, much like the N64 seems to be for many.

Many people here have a backlog, and its understandable if you don't care. Or if you have no time to play, I can understand that too, but you are the smaller percentage.

Single console owners deciding on what console to buy, DO care, hence they won't be buying a console with such horrible lack of games.

Besides people did pay big money to buy the Wii U and it's a general consensus that it should be enough with a console for your gaming needs. Those saying that you should get 2 consoles are out of their minds. Nintendo is just commiting suicide and when they are done with the Wii U, the ones affected will be us.

Sega left the console business after the DC failed badly. Image is forever destroyed.

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tag - "I wouldn't trust gamespot, even if it was a live comparison."

Bets with Conegamer:

Pandora's Tower will have an opening week of less than 37k in Japan. (Won!)
Pandora's Tower will sell less than 100k lifetime in Japan.
Stakes: 1 week of avatar control for each one.

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