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Microsoft Readying Blu-Ray For Xbox 360? (MSFT)


Now that Sony's Blu-ray has beaten Toshiba's HD DVD in the next-gen DVD format war, HD DVD backers must figure out what's next. For Microsoft, that means figuring out how to integrate Blu-ray with the Xbox 360, which until now has been an HD DVD-only platform.

SmartHouse reports that Microsoft has already built a standalone, external Blu-ray player for the Xbox, which could go on sale within three months. If true, this means that Xbox owners could watch Blu-ray discs without buying a new set-top box, or worse, one of rival Sony's PS3s. What it doesn't mean: That Microsoft will build Blu-ray drives directly into the Xbox.

Why not? We can think of two reasons:

  • Price: Blu-ray drives are pricey components that have made the PS3 a money loser for Sony (in the near-term, at least).
  • Corporate focus: Unlike Sony, Microsoft hasn't bet its future on a disc format. Sony needs to push Blu-ray via PS3 in order to support other businesses. But ultimately, Microsoft is more interested in pushing digital movie downloads/rentals from its Xbox Live marketplace -- which doesn't require a DVD drive at all.

Update: Commenter Jason Unger points out that SmartHouse doesn't have the best reputation, so treat this as a rumor at best for now.

my signature went on strike, it's demanding 3% raise

Around the Network

Well posted already...I thought Zackblue posted it..

This place quickly turned into BluRaychartz

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

I don't see MS releasing a Blu Ray add on unless Blu Ray becomes the main format.

If I had to choose between a bigger 120gig hard rive and a Blu Ray add on, I would spend my money on the hard drive.

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)


konnichiwa said:
Well posted already...I thought Zackblue posted it..

ok, i guess i should start reading every single post on here before considering to post anything, actually no i'm gonna do that.



my signature went on strike, it's demanding 3% raise

Around the Network

Nah...that would mean that Microsoft would have to pay sony
not gonna happen anytime soon

plus: y r soo many pll. soo into the bluray dvd
big deal they won... over hd dvd
i'm still sticking w. dvd for now until dose prices cum back down!!!

dsoverpsp said:
Nah...that would mean that Microsoft would have to pay sony
not gonna happen anytime soon

plus: y r soo many pll. soo into the bluray dvd
big deal they won... over hd dvd
i'm still sticking w. dvd for now until dose prices cum back down!!!


my signature went on strike, it's demanding 3% raise

Dnnc, you have the 3 top, AND 6 in overall frotn pages, I think you don't need to make more topics. Read others too :)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Sony and Microsoft Co-opetition with each other all the time. It would not be surprising at all and given the comments by Microsoft and Toshiba in the media, I don't think it will be long for Microsoft to offer a blu-ray option for 360.

dsoverpsp said:
Nah...that would mean that Microsoft would have to pay sony
not gonna happen anytime soon

plus: y r soo many pll. soo into the bluray dvd
big deal they won... over hd dvd
i'm still sticking w. dvd for now until dose prices cum back down!!!

lulz He said cum.

OT: I already read this on IGN awhile back.