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zackblue said:
I cant stop laughing, no seriously I cant.

Anyhow, the point of this thread was what exactly?

 It's in off topic. Does it have to have a point?

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

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The Wii is for everyone, gamers are people, and everyone = people. Nuff said.

These 'Wii not for gamers' arguements have been debunked and proven to be rubbish time and time again. The Wii is as much a 'hardcore' console as the 360 or PS3, when ignorant people open their eyes and realise that, we'll all be much better off for it.

Sorry Kwaad, your subtle attempts to look down on the Wii (yes I know you said Wii Sports, but it's quite obvious where your argument really lies) really have no meat to them. And how can Wii Sports be the gimmick if to this day, early Wii adopters are still playing and thoroughly enjoying the game?


Kwaad said:
kirby007 said:
god, how i missed your endless rants against the wii and the xbox360.
but why don't you mention the winning ps3 ? motorstorm is here is it?
where is the storm??
wii is a nice gimmick isn't it, but the power of the gimmick makes it sell like sex.
on top of that why did your friedn loved his xbox 360?
he has more games for that platform, how many games does he have for the wii?
and how do you enjoy your ps3, is it gathering dust?

 I let him borrow all mine, and I think he rented a few. I didnt... 'monitor' his use of it... mainly becaue I'm never home. Is my PS3 gathering dust? Actually both of them are. 1 is broke, because my wife wont call sony to get it fixed. And my other PS3 is gathering dust, because no-one will play on it.

Let's see he mainly griped about the control method for the Wii, overall on all the games. It feels great at first, but once you get over it, it's like... blah.

The games he loves on the 360... I cant rember which ones, but I want them, and their exclusive.

The gimmick is NOT the Wii. it's Wii Sports. 

true my dad, even played bowling !!! i really am stunned, but the point is he would never buy more games, so that is only wii and after a while im sure he will get bored and the wii will gather dust. this means the money must be made in hardware.

the 360 has good line-up no? yeah and because of that hardcore will buy and the profit is made in software sales.

where does the ps3 end up?;) no hardware profit and no software profit?;)

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

While I don't entirely disagree with what you said, Kwaad, we have to put things into perspective. As Kitler53 said, all consoles know this phenomenon. Everybody acts like the Wii is the only next-gen console where in truth the PS2 was just as much a casual friendly system.

Also, for fact: Wii software outsold 360 software by a significant margin in december. And how pointless the attach-ratio is; the Wii's attach ratio was also higer than the 360's (and obviously the PS3's).

I got to the second paragraph of your post and then I realized how much of a damn I didn't give and stopped reading.

Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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superchunk said:
ecurbj said:
It's Kwaad, hey bro..Longtime no see and again you are against the

I believe your friend needs to play some more Wii games and then he can decide if the Wii is truly a gimmick.

To be honest it is not.

 Who are you?

You've been on this site since "10th Dec 07" and somehow "know" Kwaad. Are you Gballzack? :)

Sadly I know who Gballzack is to along with Blue3, Sentinel, Hus, you and several others.

My name is Bruce J, I have been a member on this site for awhile. 

You should know my Tetsuya account. I jump from multiple accounts because of names. I simply did not like my name selection and decided to make another one and its been a trend every since. There are no accounts banned from me other than Tetsuya, which I asked stof to ban. I am ecurbj now, I made it official and ioi knows :)

ClaudeLv250 said:
I got to the second paragraph of your post and then I realized how much of a damn I didn't give and stopped reading.

 I did too.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!

The_vagabond7 said:
What Kitler53 said. It's not a matter of casual/hardcore (stupid), it's mainstream gamers/people that spend alot of money on videogames/people that spend way too much time on the internet talking about videogames/casuals

The mainstream gamer will have a system for 6 years and buy 4 games on it. Probably a few big name games. Halo, GTA, Guitar Hero maybe, Mariokart, and be content with those. It's those mainstream gamers that make consoles successful, and increasingly the casual gamers are becoming a huge part of success. The PS2 was such a hit because everyone had one, even if it was just for a couple of sports games, or maybe GTA and Gran Turismo. Those mainstream and casual gamers are the lifeblood of the industry. We, the ones that spend way too much time and money on videogames just assume narcissistically that we are the pushing force behind the industry.

Quoted for truth. Nothing else needs to be said.

I got to the second paragraph of your post and then I realized how much of a damn I didn't give and stopped reading.

Also quoted for truth.

And what's the big deal? Not everyone is going to like the Wii, just get over it. Also, just because you and your friend both dislike the control method (whether in WiiSports or anything else), to many people, including me, it's one of the best things to happen to consoles in a long time.

Except for me it actually got me into console gaming, but is still a major breakthrough. 

This is getting good.

What's the point of talking crap about Wii Sports? It is free, it is a good game. Because of that it's value is high. As for replayability, does it matter (free remember)? I don't think buying a Wii for Wii Sports is a good idea.

Yes... buy a Wii solely for the purpose of playing Wii Sports.

Wii Sports isn't a gimmick, people are fickle consumers.