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Forums - Sony Discussion - More than 2.1 Million PS4 Owners Got PlayStation Plus

Wow, I've never seen so many Xbox fans jump so fast into a Sony thread to downplay before, I guess the crying victim mentality of last year is over. So much negativity from a fanbase who's favorite console is in last place..

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I guess its in league with the attachment ratio of Xbox live Gold. About 50%.

Blood_Tears said:
Wow, I've never seen so many Xbox fans jump so fast into a Sony thread to downplay before, I guess the crying victim mentality of last year is over. So much negativity from a fanbase who's favorite console is in last place..

You know, aside from me, people saying its up because its mandatory doesn't make someone a Xbox fan. Its common sense.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


Maybe now we can figure out how many subs there were before the PS4 came along, considering the 90% rise in subs since it's launch, even though that statement was made a while ago, we can still come relatively close to knowing the numbers.

Anyone wanna do the maths?

If they would hide all online functions behind it it would be way more.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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pretty good numbers considering PS4 was marketed as "available offline too!" instead of 'if you're on a submarine, you can play our older console'

I also find it low especially with the biggest games being Killzone/COD/BF4 on PS4...

DirtyP2002 said:
Arcturus said:

I think your expectation that everyone early-adopter has an interest in playing online is a bit unrealistic.


I know a lot that bought it for next gen Fifa and don't play online.

DirtyP2002 said:
WoW expected way more than that.

I was really expecting more too. Only half of them even if you need ti for multiplayer. This is bad.
We do not have the number for Xbox Live but I would not be surprised if they were way higher than that (in %).

Still, this $$ will be a good help for Sony.

sales2099 said:
Welcome to my peoples culture of willingly giving your money away to fund your favorite corporation :)

I could blame Microsoft but I won't. Because in the end I KNOW it was all you... yes YOU that fucked me over. Thanks buddy, without you my PS4 multiplayer expirience would have been free.*

*Disclaimer: I don't play multiplayer on the PS4 or PS3... I am only here for... actually I'm not even here for the free game, I'm just a fucken sheep. -_-

Also Xbox live accounts (both gold and silver) is around 46 million @ April 2013. I would say around half of that is probably gold subscription. Definitely not the 50% you're thinking but it's a substantially number than any company would be envious of. A subscription rate on a paid service greater than 50% of a device it is exclusive to is pretty massive, that % will definitely go down steadily as more people buy PS4... for reference there is around 110 million PSN accounts.