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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What do you think of the street fighter series

just put any thoughts


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It's among the greatest series ever in gaming and can contend with any champion of any genre. If it were a woman, I would have popped the question long ago in the 90's. Street Fighter IV will own my life.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

it rules!!!....

I love some old school brawl betwen Guile and Ken....

Waiting for SFIV.....

Yeap... this is Lavos...

Its rather good. Fun, fast paced fighting action. Lets hope Street Fighter IV lives up to its more illustrious predecessors.



Uh, it was good when I was a kid but Capcom really had no reason to bring it back now. Just an opinion.

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"Street Fighter II" was the last major arcade smash.

For you youngsters, an arcade was a place where people met up to play video games and socialize, unlike you youngsters today we actual left the house to play the latest and greatest video games.

 People would wear out the change machine and line up to battle.

 Dhalsim could smack your ass from across the room.

The game is still fun today, and it goes to show, gameplay, not graphics, is what makes a good video game.

Street Fighter II Turbo is glorious old school action arguably the best beat em up ever made.

Street Fighter Alpha 3 (IMO) is the best out of the series.

Wii code: 6355-7594-5867-2364 Wii name: Mo Smash Bros Brawl: 5198-6095-4615 Cue Sports Revolution: 5327-4649-0447 Mario Kart Wii: 3308-8543-5834



"just put any thoughts"

okay, I think the street fighter series is a load of bullocks.

meh, im gonna get teared up for that arent i

It was great when its only real competition was Mortal Kombat.

Today it faces much stiffer competition and SFIV looks very much like it will not rise to the occasion.