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I love how Diomedes bases everyone's opinion of a game on whether or not they worship at the shrine of Sony.

Also, I thought he was gone. Sad, now.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

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Diomedes1976 said:
Darc Requiem said:
Diomedes1976 said:
You must be on crack ,FFIX is the worst FF of all the FF released in the Sony consoles .

This must be the reasons some people like it .It seems like sony-haters and people that think the green sprite know as Kefka was transcendent as a villian just hates all the good FF in Sony consoles but somehow like FFIX wich was a throwback to the old FF of the Nes-Snes days ...

Anyway ,for me it goes as follows :

FFVII :the best without contemplations .Best story....

I know am not the only one that stopped reading at that point. The only thing I like about FFVII is that it proved that a JRPG can sell in the west with good ad campaign. The game it self was one of the worst in the series. If it weren't for FFVIII, and FFX-2 it would be the worst.

You see ,you have just validated what I was saying .Sony haters just hate the good FF in the PS1 and PS2 and cherish the only bad one because its a throwback to the old FF in the Nes-Snes .

So FFVII was one of the worst of the series uh ?Well everybody is allowed an opinion but its just that ,YOUR opinion .One year back there was a Famitsu study about wich were the greatest games ever and FFVII was there at the top ,and in the country were it sold the max .So I would say pretty much nobody agrees with you .Just some other sony haters nostalgic of the Nes-Snes FF .

Yeah... I owned a PS1 and have owned FF7 three times.  It's just not a good game.  Note that 6 AND 4 are ahead of it on the IGN ratings list.  Along with Chrono Trigger... if you want to pull out the "what one reveiw site said" card.

Also it was basically there because it popularized FMVs, was in 3-D and had a big add campaign that made it sell a lot. 


Diomedes1976 said:

FFVII :the best without contemplations .Best story ,best scope ,and for the time it pushed the genre light years ahead what had been done before .Great combat system through materia ,tons of sidequests ,unlockable charachters ,charismatic charachters ,magnificent music etc comment....


Criticizing Diomedes post would be like critiquing a story written by a 6 year old; you could go on all day, but you'd feel like an asshole because you get the feeling they just don't know any better

 Also, I fail to see how "I only luv 9 cuz i played the old ones and have nostalgia'', My order of Final Fantasies was: 1, 7, 6, 4, 5, 8, 9...and the rest don't really matter.

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

GooseGaws said:
I love how Diomedes bases everyone's opinion of a game on whether or not they worship at the shrine of Sony.

Also, I thought he was gone. Sad, now.

Yeah, I think that's pretty funny too. I think Diomedes divides the whole world into Sony Lovers and Sony Haters, and applies this logic to every game, even ones that are on Sony platforms. Next time there is a Zelda debate I fully expect him to say "You like Twilight Princess better than Ocarina of Time? That's cause you're a Sony Hater."

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Diomedes is living in a other world than ours....

Well about the big ad campain...I never saw it...

I can't remember to see ads for FFVII on the street or stores :s;

Diomedes1976 said:
Darc Requiem said:
Diomedes1976 said:
You must be on crack ,FFIX is the worst FF of all the FF released in the Sony consoles .

This must be the reasons some people like it .It seems like sony-haters and people that think the green sprite know as Kefka was transcendent as a villian just hates all the good FF in Sony consoles but somehow like FFIX wich was a throwback to the old FF of the Nes-Snes days ...

Anyway ,for me it goes as follows :

FFVII :the best without contemplations .Best story....

I know am not the only one that stopped reading at that point. The only thing I like about FFVII is that it proved that a JRPG can sell in the west with good ad campaign. The game it self was one of the worst in the series. If it weren't for FFVIII, and FFX-2 it would be the worst.

You see ,you have just validated what I was saying .Sony haters just hate the good FF in the PS1 and PS2 and cherish the only bad one because its a throwback to the old FF in the Nes-Snes .

So FFVII was one of the worst of the series uh ?Well everybody is allowed an opinion but its just that ,YOUR opinion .One year back there was a Famitsu study about wich were the greatest games ever and FFVII was there at the top ,and in the country were it sold the max .So I would say pretty much nobody agrees with you .Just some other sony haters nostalgic of the Nes-Snes FF .

Read your own post Diomedes. Everyone is allowed and opinion, its your opinion that FFVII is great. In my opinion it is not. What does Sony hating have to do with it? I've played every Final Fantasy game. That is right all of them. I bought a PS2 for FFX. Which actually gave me hope the series again until I played X-2 which completely descricated FFX with its awful story. If you actually paid attention the series, you'd realize that most people that despise FFVII, just prefer the Sakaguchi styled games. Hence the adoration of FFIX, because it went back to the style of Final Fantasy games Sakaguchi was known for. The only Nomura game I enjoyed was FFX. 

The Sakaguchi titles had better gameplay in my opinion. Not only that, they didn't focus too much on a love story. They focused more on the cast as a whole. Sure his games like FFIV and FFVI had love stories but they were woven into the plot and not made the central focus of it. The reason I prefer FFIV to FFVI is because FFVI starts to have the flaws that made FFVII so awful in the Word of Ruin portion of the game. Like FFVII, you characters become interchangeable from a gameplay standpoint because by time hit around level 60 the unique traits that you have to strategize around start become moot. FFVII has the issues from the beginning because of the materia system and the fact that your characters have no unique traits outside of limit breaks. All that is compounded by the limited equipment you characters as well.  

konnichiwa said:
Diomedes is living in a other world than ours....

Well about the big ad campain...I never saw it...

I can't remember to see ads for FFVII on the street or stores :s;
I remember the ads for 7, but they were on tv.  They'd string a bunch of FMV's together and try to pass that off as the actual gameplay.


Only FFVII ad I remember is the old TV one, thats it.

konnichiwa said:
Diomedes is living in a other world than ours....

Well about the big ad campain...I never saw it...

I can't remember to see ads for FFVII on the street or stores :s;

Might be because you live in europe... not sure.

In America FF7 had a marketing blitz that was bigger then any before it. Or seemed that way to me. It pales in comparison to Halo 3... but before that... i can't think of a game that had more US advertising.

It had TV commercials in Prime time tv during important shows.

It also had a massive print campaign with adds for it in many non gaming magazines. Which was very rare at the time.

As far as i can tell FF7 was the hardest pushed game ever when it's ad campaign came out.

Sony spared no expense.