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Forums - Sony Discussion - Any one who has doubt about Heavenly Sword

eddie182 said:
Haha. Good call Entroper. I was about to do the same thing.

Also, after a colon (:) you don't need a capital letter.

On Topic - Heavenly Sword looks amazing, but is short, yes. Halo 3 campaign is short too. Is that a bad game?

You do if the clause following the colon is an independent clause.  :)

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SpartanFX said:
eddie182 said:
Haha. Good call Entroper. I was about to do the same thing.

Also, after a colon (:) you don't need a capital letter.

On Topic - Heavenly Sword looks amazing, but is short, yes. Halo 3 campaign is short too. Is that a bad game?
god forbid if you say something bad about that gameit's only heavenly sword that  appearently  should be  criticised for its small flaws(I honestly do not consider 8 and half hours of gameplay that short)


If ninja gaiden was that short it would suck ass.

Btw Halo's robust online mode makes up for the skimped single player.

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



ClaudeLv250 said:
SpartanFX said:
weezy said:

Twest that was funny bro.

so you only need 1 button to beat the game..
2 counting HAVING TO MOVE.


PLZ go and play ur Wii,,this game is for grown ups

I hope "grown ups" don't resort to molesting the English language like this all the time. 


I am not writing an official document,,,I got the message through with the least amount of writing,,,you call it molesting and I call it more efficient,,different points of view




LMFAO @ Odd job

Current Consoles: Xbox 360 Elite, Playstation 2, Gaming Rig, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3.

Xbox Live: Jessman_Aus - Playing: Ace Combat 6, Fifa 09

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Xfire: J3ssman - Playing: Fallout 3, Farcry 2

Jessman: Fears the Mangina



So basically after reading this thread I would never think twice about buying Heavenly Sword.. Twest basically killed it for any potential buyers out there



btw that oddjob was LOL funny

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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"Twest basically killed it for any potential buyers out there"

lol that was pretty bad, but it gets much better when you play the later chapters or when you start in a higher difficulty level. That kills button smashing (and it holds for a while longer)

SpartanFX said:
twesterm said:
Why I hate Heavenly Sword:

Yes, that's me playing and yes, I have a irrational hate for this game. Personally, I dislike action games where I can beat encounters by randomly pressing buttons and having the game move, attack, and do finishing moves for me. I've heard the throwing bodies part was cool and the twing twang parts were cool, but the demo completely failed to sell me on the game in any way at all.

well dude by looking at your hand it is obvious that you know all the combos prety well,,,so it is possible to do the exact same thing with every single game,,,,if you know the game by heart ,u don't need to look at the screen .So your point is pretty lame but it's funny i ll give u that

 That was the demo and I was just pressing random buttons.  I really wasn't paying attention to what I was doing, in fact, I was looking at something else the entire time while I was in front of the TV and only listening to the sound.  

And Weezy, you don't even need to tell you character where to go when there are enemies present. 

SpartanFX said:
ClaudeLv250 said:
SpartanFX said:
weezy said:

Twest that was funny bro.

so you only need 1 button to beat the game..
2 counting HAVING TO MOVE.


PLZ go and play ur Wii,,this game is for grown ups

I hope "grown ups" don't resort to molesting the English language like this all the time.


I am not writing an official document,,,I got the message through with the least amount of writing,,,you call it molesting and I call it more efficient,,different points of view

It's not more efficient if no one can understand you over the cries of "RAPE!" from the slowly violated English language. 


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

Poor Heavenly Sword...

It's actually pretty good, but the following are clear issues:

a) while the combat is deep and you can really use skill... you often don't have to (particularly early on in game)

b) it has those annoying signalled button press things that even suck in God of War - its simple: anything that makes you look away from action to spot which button to press is a waste of time

c) its short - as in really short. Which is a pity as it felt like it could easier have been longer without dragging. Maybe things were cut to get it out sooner rather than later?

d) little replay other than favourite sections. Not sure every game should have MP but its clear this could easily have additional SP elements such as challenge modes against lots of baddies, timed fights, target challenges, etc. that would have given it more value for money

But, it does look fantastic, the cutscenes really are the best of anything on PS3, 360 or Wii, the fighting is good if you chose to invest in it, and the 'Twing Twang' elements are the hoot everyone says (shot someone in rear end or ankle to see what I mean).

As it stands its a great rent but maybe only a reduced price buy. I will watch for another though, as the flaws could easily be remidied and the basic engine, etc. is obviously there.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...