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Forums - Sales Discussion - Will the Wii ever pass ps2 sales

Haha how long does the extreme popularity last before it's not a fad anymore lol, funny necro bump.

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Dem PS2 Legs.

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

Some people were expecting 200 million Wii's huh!!

Also kinda sad many posters in this old thread are not with us anymore :S

Wii only need more than 50 million to pass PlayStation 2 :D

Nah but the WiiU will XD

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Aj_habfan said:
I've never seen this thread before.

Of course it will.

Ho ho ho! Not so fast, me of the past!

My first line was sarcastic... the second one was not sadly.

Damn, Sony fans are absolutely brutal..

There are probably dozens of threads like these. Same goes for 50% marketshare threads, which company will release their next console first etc.
The market is changing, threads like these show us how important it is to understand that past does not equal present and future, especially in consumer electronics.
This is why the 8th gen is so hard to predict, I honestly don't have a clue what to make of it for now.

Jay520 said:
Never. Sure sales look strong now but the Wii is showing signs of a quick burner. With 3rd parties outright ignoring the console, its going to drop hard in the coming years. In fact I'm willing to make my first prediction here and it'll be a bold one: Five years from now, the Wii will have not sold even 100m (also TLG still won't be released).

right on the money as usual.

Jay520 said:
Jay520 said:
Never. Sure sales look strong now but the Wii is showing signs of a quick burner. With 3rd parties outright ignoring the console, its going to drop hard in the coming years. In fact I'm willing to make my first prediction here and it'll be a bold one: Five years from now, the Wii will have not sold even 100m (also TLG still won't be released).

right on the money as usual.

Damn, I'm impressed.

Although I wish you had been wrong about TLG.