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Forums - General Discussion - Recommend 1 album/1 song

album: 'mirrored' by battles

song: 'the genius and the thieves' by eluvium 

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Alice Cooper: Mascara and Monsters.



Album & Song: What's Going On (by Marvin Gaye)

okr said:
Album & Song: What's Going On (by Marvin Gaye)

 Damn, can't go wrong with that one!



ignore this

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Album - Knight Rider Soundtrack Vol 1 (Stu Philips/Don Peake)
Song - Looking For Freedom (David Hasselhoff)



I love that song! So I shall stick to the Hoff

Song - Night Rocker (David Hasselhoff)

Album - Make Another World (Idlewild) 



The Prodigy: Experience

It'll get you high and blow your mind without the need for drugs.



Track: (impossible to pick one so I've chosen an unusual one not often heard)

Grandaddy : The Crystal Lake

Album: Revolutionary Vol 1.
Song: Dance With The Devil


Before dismissing it as some garbage underground hip hop track listen to it from start to finish, please listen to it and let me know what y'all think.

Ps. not for the faint hearted, you'll know what I mean if you listen to the whole thing.

Wii code: 6355-7594-5867-2364 Wii name: Mo Smash Bros Brawl: 5198-6095-4615 Cue Sports Revolution: 5327-4649-0447 Mario Kart Wii: 3308-8543-5834



The Dethalbum

may not be to most tastes but I've been liking it lately

