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Forums - Sales Discussion - Analysis: January 2008 NPD Sales

Not looking good for MS, if the PS3 continues to outsell the 360 in America then it's R.I.P. 360, I don't think they'll even bother making a successor.

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So PS3 only outsold 360 with 39k units. The difference is actually so minimal it would still take 14-15 years to beat 360 in NA. So I wouldn't say 360 is failing brand yet with just january figures.

Legend11 said:

Also I don't get your comment about the 360 being in short supply for November (was it?) and what does that have to do with January? You're claiming Microsoft is pulling a "coverup" but do you have anything at all to back up your claim? People were talking about Xbox 360 shortages (Premiums and Elites) well before Microsoft ever came out and said anything. NeoGAF for example had a thread that had people from various parts of the U.S. finding the same thing.

Its right in the article =P

He is saying the sales from last year and this year are very similar and that with similar sales thier shouldn't be any supply issues.


In truth if you compare them they sold about 150k more in Nov,  140k more in Dec, and  about 83k more in Jan this year over last year.  In total sales for the 3 months are  up about  375k in N.A.  which could definitely cause some issues with supply...especially if MS was expecting a similar showing from the year prior and didn't increase supply.

I didn't catch any other explanations but the one he did give was suspect to me.



To Each Man, Responsibility
bigjon said:
I agree with you whole-heartedly on the phony 360 shortages... I have talked to people who work in videogames stores and departments and they told me they always have 360 in stock.

 And isn't that amazing coincidence you just happen to love Sony I bet...

Guys, that prick Legend11 actually has a valid point here. :P

You're writing MS off when in actuality, the supply shortages were likely real for the first part of January.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Guys, that prick Legend11 actually has a valid point here. :P

You're writing MS off when in actuality, the supply shortages were likely real for the first part of January.

 That was really uncalled for.  

To Each Man, Responsibility

Zucas, I think you're jumping to conclusions way too much. Especially regarding the 360.

Do you realize that in the holidays of 2006, Microsoft severely overshipped and filled up the retail channel? For months after that they didn't have to (and couldn't indeed) ship a single Xbox 360 to most stores, since they were filled up with 360s. This year the opposite happened, probably due in part to retailers not wanting to be in the same situation as last year. Haven't you seen all the reports and links to online stores proving that the supply issue is real? You also fail to give any other reason why the 360 is failing as a brand, or why the 360 can't keep scoring big victories against the PS3 after getting the same price cuts as the PS3 did (at least percentage wise).

Regarding the Wii, I think you're trying too hard to find an explanation for the shortages. There were some reports that Wiis were being freighted by plane instead of ship during the holidays, which effectively amounts to selling part of early January's supply during December instead. This must have left supplier's warehouses around the world almost empty, resulting in low sales during early January. As you can see in vgchartz, the situation in late January is totally different. Another factor is that Nintendo probably wanted to give Japan more stock right now, due to Wii Fit and SSBB.

Sorry but this analysis wasn't one of your best...


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

""I don’t think this data is anything to jump for joy over.""

==> so dont try to extract too much from them !
Since there are supply issue for MS and Ninty u can't conclude anything about the console war.
And expecting the PS3, JUST AFTER Xmas, to beat the Wii when u know the Wii is the cheaper and the PS3 the most expensive is a bit strange ...

Time to Work !

Given people had just gone through the Christmas and holidays period,is 230k/290k really considered a low number for January? many units would have to have been sold in order to be considered a good number?...I dunno,I still consider them good enough.

And Zucas,the comment about the 360 not being able to survive in America was really pushing it >_>