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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Console Death Score 2 for 5, 2 for 4, and 1 for 1

I've never had a console just die on me *knock on wood*

However my cousin broke my intellivision, and somebody knocked my original game boy off the table and the screen cover broke off.  I guess I have been pretty lucky.

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The only console of mine to ever die was the PlayStation oh and two SNES!

But I drove my SNES pretty hard as a kid I played them over 30-hrs in a row and trashed them because they would over heat. Fact isI have largely stuck to Nintendo hardware and despite you having a Wii that fried I have never had Nintendo systems just die! My GameCube was dropped from like 6-feet onto concrete and accidently fell down a flight of stairs (I brought it everywhere). The GameCube still worked perectly despite being scuffed up and battered it ran like a charm. My origional GameBoy:Pocket fell in the creek and was perfectly fine after I dried it off! 


So all in all my consoles go through hell, I use them to death my 360 has frozen after I played Halo3 for two days. I have seen my Wii fall off the counter and table a couple times too! So your just having bad luck but yeah I don't play my 360 enough to kill it lol! At least not anymore! 


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Other than my PS2(s, as I needed to get DRE repairs three times before they finally sent me a 4th gen system) I've never had a console outright stop working on me. Of course the only current gen system I own is the Wii.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

Soriku said:
Send me a PS3 now.

OT: My PS1 is broke :( Won't turn on and loses picture sometimes.

If your PS1 won't turn, how can it have a picture to lose?

Two PS2s have broken on me, although neither of them were fatal, the first would not read purple disks, and the second would get tons of disc read errors, and would only work if it was held at like 45o (both launch models, the second one was a refurbished one) so I just got a slimline on

Two PS3 have broken, the first overheated, and froze soon after booting, I lost some of my save data, the second the disc drive was faulty, so I returned that 1 week after freezing. My third works fine, all were the EU 60 GB, with the second two refurbished

My PSPs have been fine

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I had one Gameboy color break down on me. But that's because I used to chew the light attachment for it, and the saliva broke the gameboy.

I have Never had a Console Fail on me...

Wtf do you kids do with your Console now days....?

Hi i'm new
EA will buy as many Companies they can,so they can make a super Console that
will have the most exclusive games, and Will win the next GEN

My consoles never died. Only my ps2 couldn't read the dvds so I opened my PS2 and it was dust heaven. Yeeezus! So my brother and I cleaned our ps2 from top to bottom, and it works fine now (7 years we stayed together, even when it got rough :P)

PSN ID: clemens-nl                                                                                                                

I had problems with my DC. It wouldn't start for some time. Oddly enough i tried it again on a whim recently and it started up just fine.

My original Xbox didn't die but I had one of the earlier DVD drives and it had problem with certain games so I traded it in at GS for a newer model.

You had some bad luck there that's for sure, I have never had a problem with my Nintendo consoles, my PlayStation or my PlayStation 2. My Xbox did die on me in mid 2007