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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Tetris is Coming to PS4, Xbox One [WiiU couldn't run title screen].

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I have Tetris on the NES, Tetris on the GB, had Tetris on the DS, and Tetris on the PS3. I don't need another version of Tetris.

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Wii U can run low spec games like Project Cars but those hi-res square boxes on Tetris are far too much work for it to handle.

I heard the Xbone version will be in 720p :P

If it can achieve 60 FPS and 1080P, it'll make even more PS4s and Xbox Ones fly off the shelf. GOTG.

Current gaming platforms - Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Wii U, New 3DS, PC

PullusPardus said:


Seconded. The only puzzle game rivaling Tetris' music. God I'm getting nonstop nostalgasms just listening to it.

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