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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Tetris is Coming to PS4, Xbox One [WiiU couldn't run title screen].

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I hope they tweak the shadows and add a lot of light effects and smooth textures. I hope it has more teraflops, you can never have enough of those.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

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Let's just remember that this is Ubisoft. Expect for the following:

An extensive singeplayer campaign in which players start with single block types and progressively unlock more as they complete missions! Or, unlock the full experience right away for $4.99 on the Uplay Store*!

Always-on connection to the Uplay Utetris network**! Keep in touch with all of your friends as you fight to save the block world one line at a time. Share your high scores, screenshots and more in real time.

A vast and detailed world is before you. With a variety of environments to play in such as a forest, city, volcano, and alone in your parents' basement trying to escape from the cruel reality of their eventual divorce***!

Utetris. Block on.

* - Pricing subject to change. USD, GBP and EUR prices chosen arbitrarily and not linked by any exchange rate or standards.
** - Network connection required for all Utetris play.
*** - Childhood memories may vary. Ubisoft is not responsible for any unearthed trauma.

it's not mine, but I found it hilarious and terrifyingly possible.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Tetris Party that came out on Wii is a blast. I still play it occasionally against others.

Hopefully this is similar and $10 or less.

I haven't played a tetris game since the super nintendo version.

Anfebious said:
I hope they tweak the shadows and add a lot of light effects and smooth textures. I hope it has more teraflops, you can never have enough of those.

This version better have killstreaks and DLC too. I was sick of the lack of content in the last game.

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Ubisoft already giving up on the WiiU. Next up is Activision.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Yeesh, I'm not even sure wii u has a 3rd party game even in the horizon for 2014!

on ps4 it will be virtual reality first person tetris where the blocks come at you

I didn't realize that there is a Tetris Company. Is it comparable to The Pokémon Company in its function?

“We’re very excited to start working with this world-renowned brand, and can’t wait to combine Ubisoft’s expertise and all the capacities of next-gen consoles to create an exciting new Tetris experience for fans,” said Yves Guillemot, CEO of Ubisoft.

I wonder what those capacities are. What it is that wasn't available in previous generations...

It might be microtransactions! Yeah! "Buy now the square block for 2,99$ and enjoy the thrill of depleting two lines at once. A feat only achieved with the special abilities of a... square"


This, I stole from grandpa...It's called soap.