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Forums - General Discussion - Where is everybody?111?

There is only 111 members on vgchartz. Why? and only 20 guests? There usually is 1000s of guests.

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Wondering the same thing. 16 guests online right now. I know the site was having problems earlier, but its good now.

Did gamers actually start going out of Saturday nights!?

Brian ZuckerGeneral PR Manager,

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lol...I think the site probably went down on half those guests and they are trying to access it and they are probably getting the 403 Forbidden message.

Yeah, I know....Only 127 people on right now!!! Well, atleast the site's running faster...


-1 guests...what???

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lol -3 guests

We have 0 guests.



I am still here!!!


Now we have -1 guests



Imthelegend said:
We have 0 guests.

 First it was minus 1 then 0 then -3 then 0 now -2.