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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Truly scary games

I know that there are some scary games out there, but so far, I've never seen or heard anything about a game so scary that it could match a (good) horror movie. Of course, games like RE or Eternal Darkness can surprise you, but they don't strike you with fear and make you think 'Hey, I don't really know if I should continue playing... I can still back off before I get sleepless nights...' and neither do they keep you awake at night. In movies, this tantalising fear is what makes them attractive. So, my question is simple: has there ever been a game that made you fear to continue? If so, I and other people might not know it, so could you tell us why it was so scary? And if there hasn't, what would you like to see in the ultimate, most scary horror game ever?

I drink your milkshake.

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It probably wouldn't have the same impact now, but the first time I played through Silent Hill I made sure to do it in total darkness during the dead of night. It was seriously freaky.

Hates Nomura.

Tagged: GooseGaws - <--- Has better taste in games than you.

Come to think of it, I once played this flash game (point & click) called Exmortis. It was pretty darn scary... but of course console games are different.

I drink your milkshake.

Pokemon Blue, I screamed everytime a Zubat appeared in those creepy caves, don't get me started with what happens when a ghost Pokemon appeared in the tower.

Omg you know that one game called barbie on the nes. I still have nightmares.

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I'm sorry, but movies are completely lame after playing any decent psychological horror game. Silent Hill 2 is probably the one that did it for me (the first one was good too).

'Passive scariness' just doesn't have any rush compared to 'active scariness'. If I'm just sitting there watching the screen with no control, I'm a lot less captivated than when I'm actively playing a game and making my own decisions.

Haha, I remember when I was younger, my dad was playing one of the Resident Evils and this group of crows flew threw this window when there was complete silence, breaking the glass and coming out of nowhere. I remember running a few steps before calming down. Maybe Silent Hill? I never played Eternal Darkness, but I 've heard nothing but good things.

I'd have to say the first Silent Hill is my favorite scary game. Mostly because it was made before Akira Yamaoka discovered trip-hop, so the soundtrack is creepily ambient and often harsh, as opposed to the good-but-often-unfitting music of the later games.

Other than that, anyone who likes scary games seriously needs to play The Suffering. Think Silent Hill as a third-person shooter, and if the main character were an escaped murderer instead of some random shmoe.

"'Casual games' are something the 'Game Industry' invented to explain away the Wii success instead of actually listening or looking at what Nintendo did. There is no 'casual strategy' from Nintendo. 'Accessible strategy', yes, but ‘casual gamers’ is just the 'Game Industry''s polite way of saying what they feel: 'retarded gamers'."

 -Sean Malstrom



Bioshock has been messing with me big time. I play in my home office with no light and no window, with surround sound headphones. Freaky.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.

resident evil 1 gamecube remake, i beat it once and was to scared to play again