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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Sonic Shuffle 2?

I Just want a game very, very similar to Secret Rings. I need speed dammit! I actually loved Secret Rings, as it was a fresh breath of innovation that I haven't had since Sonic adventure 3 And Sonic & Knuckles.

Seriously, the way to make the best sonic game:

Make the camera to where you look behind you when you back up

Put in ONLY ACTUAL cut scenes, no comic book crap

Put in some more characters with their own, non-BS levels

Put in some non-party multiplayer

Give a little more freedom of where to go (go left or right, like intersections at certain spots, with a quick button press),

and Presto! the ultimate sonic game will be born!

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ikilledkenny said:
OH GOD. If this were to be released, it would completely prove how low SEGA has gone. Did anybody actually like Sonic Shuffle?

It was one of my daughter's favorite games. Can't say I would rate it that high, but it's better than Mario Party anyways (not that everyone would agree).

ikilledkenny said:
OH GOD. If this were to be released, it would completely prove how low SEGA has gone. Did anybody actually like Sonic Shuffle?

 I loved Sonic Shuffle, yes it had many flaws but over all I loved it as a party game to play with my friends just like I did with MarioParty. Infact I burnt two disks out by playing the game so much and I can't locate another copy anywhere because DreamCast has been 100% phased out and forgotten, its impossible to find the games anywhere.

 Desperate of Sega or as you say low?

In  which way is franchising expanding and the maintaining of a franchise low? Nintendo has done a great job with Mariokart, MarioParty, MarioBaseball, etc...etc.... Sega used to be headed the same direction and appear back on that course since they have failed to provide mainstream high quality Sonic games. 

 Sega reviving its old party game to compete with Nintendo's or even liscensing them together with Nintendo and making a new Sonic/MarioParty would show Sega is only being smart and becoming better. Neglecting to use existing IP's and properties is low!



"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


Sonic Shuffle looks awesome....
But I am looking foward to SEga Super Stars tennis...

is this game for the nintendo wii??

I sure hope that they(nintendo and sega) are getting along!! Read my sig.!!

The only reason that Sonic is in the Olympics game is that SEga made the game w. permission from nintendo to use the mario franchise...