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Forums - Gaming Discussion - EA May Once Again Be Running For “America’s Worst Company Award” For Third Year

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Every year i see arguments that they arent the worst, but if they proved something this year is that they are indeed the worst.

The way they handled SWTOR has been pissing me off the most cause the rest of the EA games i just block. Bioware is my only weakness. Wish they would do something to relaunch SWTOR instead of trying to milk it dry. Its a fun game.

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I hope EA wins it for the next 100 years. Because If EA is the biggest problem in our world then everything is fine.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

After Battlefield 4 and Simcity? Yeah they'll win again. It's going to be a while before somebody breaks their streak.

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

Being a gaming company with such a small impact on what really goes on in the world, they never should have won it. Its ridiculous that they did, its video games, they aren't poisoning food or water supplies or destoying the environment. Just making games that dont work right all the time. Big deal.