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Forums - Sony Discussion - As the domino's begin to fall....

So Blue Ray has won thanks to the PS3, its as good as official.  Now the real question is will PS3 win becuase of Blue Ray?

Now that the format war is decided what's in store for 2008 and the PS3?  I think a lot of people are in for a surprise since the full potential of this console is about to be realized.  All though people waiting for this format war to pan out have an option.  Buy a stand alone, or the PS3, the latter is the lower priced option, with much more value attached to it.

The question I pose for discussion is:  What affect will Blue Ray have on the PS3 in 2008 now that HD DVD is dead? Will there be a significant increase in sales because of it?

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Beating HD-DVD is a red herring. The goal of HD films was to give home video a shot in the arm. It's been a big lie that HD-DVD prevented blu-ray from doind that. So if Toshiba pulls out, blu-ray STILL ISN'T WHERE THE COMPANIES WANTS IT TO BE.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
Beating HD-DVD is a red herring. The goal of HD films was to give home video a shot in the arm. It's been a big lie that HD-DVD prevented blu-ray from doind that. So if Toshiba pulls out, blu-ray STILL ISN'T WHERE THE COMPANIES WANTS IT TO BE.

 Your being upsety-poo at having chosen the wrong side is laughable.  Whether you like it or not, as far as market share is concerned, Blu-Ray is about on track with where DVD was at the same point of it's life.  Blu-Ray seems to be exactly where the "companies wants" it to be.

phil said:
LordTheNightKnight said:
Beating HD-DVD is a red herring. The goal of HD films was to give home video a shot in the arm. It's been a big lie that HD-DVD prevented blu-ray from doind that. So if Toshiba pulls out, blu-ray STILL ISN'T WHERE THE COMPANIES WANTS IT TO BE.

Your being upsety-poo at having chosen the wrong side is laughable. Whether you like it or not, as far as market share is concerned, Blu-Ray is about on track with where DVD was at the same point of it's life. Blu-Ray seems to be exactly where the "companies wants" it to be.

I didn't chose a side, noob. And you clearly didn't read my post properly. It is NOT pro-HD-DVD. It's pointing out that beating HD-DVD is not the real goal of blu-ray. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

"So Blue Ray has won thanks to the PS3"

Wrong. Regardless of the fact that HD-DVD isn't discontinued yet, the PS3 is not the reason blu-ray is doing so well. Retailer shutout of HD-DVD, but mainly a flood of output, are the reason blu-ray is in the lead.

If anything, the PS3 drove as many people to HD-DVD as it did to help blu-ray.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

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LordTheNightKnight said:
"So Blue Ray has won thanks to the PS3"

Wrong. Regardless of the fact that HD-DVD isn't discontinued yet, the PS3 is not the reason blu-ray is doing so well. Retailer shutout of HD-DVD, but mainly a flood of output, are the reason blu-ray is in the lead.

If anything, the PS3 drove as many people to HD-DVD as it did to help blu-ray.

K there kid, keep trying to keep your head above water...constant struggle isn't it?

I don't know what "Lord...." is talking about. There are about a million HD players on the market compared to 10 million ps3's.

Anyway, back to the topic, blu ray won't mean nearly as much for the ps3 as dvds meant for the ps2. DVD's were something completely new. They looked different then VHS, they lasted longer, held more information, and had better image quality. Plus, you could just watch them on any old tv. With blu ray, there is more space, but most companies probably won't take real advantage of it, the image quality is better, but you need an HD tv for it to really mean anything, and they're more expensive then standard dvds.

Plus, in the end, do you really care if you see "Liar Liar" in high def? Most people are fine with it the way it is.

"I don't know what "Lord...." is talking about. There are about a million HD players on the market compared to 10 million ps3's."

That's a million domestic market compared to 10 million worldwide market. PS3 domestic sales are just 3.87 million. You can't just look at one part of the numbers. You have to look at the whole.

The whole says that blu-ray movie sales are not that high, for all the PS3s that have been sold. That's why the PS3 has not been as much help to blu-ray as some claim.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

Soriku said:
There's still a LONG while to go before Blu-ray hits the mass market and HD takes over. If HD has already taken over, the PS3 and 360 would be outselling the Wii every week.

Besides, Blu-ray players are cheaper than PS3s, so it's not going to do MUCH.

P.S. It's Blu not Blue.

 Yes. This. End. Thread.

About 3/4s of the worlds population own regular sdtvs or edtvs. This means that they would have no benefit in blu ray. It is going to take many years before if it does blu ray kills dvds. By that time we will have a better format that people will buy. Hd-dvd and blu ray took the wrong time to show their selves. This should happen when most of the market has hdtvs to get the benefit. So blu ray is as dead as hd dvd because by the time everybody has hd there is going to either A) be a better format or b) content is going to be downloadable with faster internet connections and larger hard drives.