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Forums - Sales Discussion - Did DMC4 360 really outsell the PS3 version in EU?

Doesnt matter for Capcom. They are definitely happy with the sales...

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Moneybags said:
madskillz said:
LOL at the folks that continue to present info to MikeB ...

See wall - lower head - accelerate - ram at full force - to get the same effect as arguing with him.

Why is it a shocker if the 360 version outsold the PS3 version? Are folks so blind to think that 'Because-because-because DMC1, 2 and 3 were on tah Playstation, it will sell better on tah Playstation.'

Deal with it - Japan is the only reason why it outsold the 360 version anyhow. And trust me - I would rather have the small load times vs. a mandatory install to play the game. I am surprised that many PS3 owners even bought the game.


I can't believe you posted that Madskillz. You are one of the most uncompromising and uninteligable posters when it comes to a fair disscusion between Ps3 and 360. From what I've read members don't ridicule and talk about you negatively despite this. Treat others as you would as have them treat you.

the best thing about madskillz is that when someone provides solid evidence and arugments against his point he just does a 180 and says hes "out" or that the person "phails", he's incredible, really.

in fact, he did it twice in this thread alone.


Based on VGChartz reported data Italy accounts for over 15% of worldwide (minus North America and Japan) PS3 DMC4 sales, IMO that doesn't sound right. Based on PS2 data you will rather expect Italy to account for ~10% of sales for Europe alone.

I don't think you can make such assumptions. Even if PS2 accounted for one tenth of PS2 userbase this doesn't mean that PS3 userbase will be also 10% (Vgchartz by the way says it's 9%) and for sure it won't mean that every PS3 game will sell 10% of its totals in Italy.
Actually DMC4 is quite succesful and Italy: 14k is a decent number there and most of the times except for November/Decemter top selling game sells much less than this. Thus it's rational to assume that DMC4 sold in Italy more than you would assume from its userbase.

Mike, how exactly do YOU care about sales data? You are in the biggest indepentent (and OK, not the most reliable site around but i still love it, and i confess, i got a little perverted with this sales data think too!) site about such stuff, and you ALWAYS create threads that question its data. Does that sound rational to you? You are fighting there, to prove what? That a game sold 50-60 more thousands in Europe? A game that will end up selling MORE on 360, despite the horrific piracy (take a look at black-cats and torrentleech- I was frustrated from the dl number of 360 and Wii games) and despite the fact, that all you Sony Fans, constantly claim all the way to the release date that PS OWNS this game and it will crush the 360 version because people and consumers know that this is a PS title. Well, I got news for you, people don't give a shit anymore about this blinded fanboyism stuff. We're just abunch of rediculous guys that steal time from our gaming pleasure to bash each others nose, the same time that the great majority of the world is looking for the cheapest solution, and the easy way to entertainthemselves (that includes the 360 lower price, AND the PS3 low price as a Blu Ray Player).

epinefridis said:
Mike, how exactly do YOU care about sales data? You are in the biggest indepentent (and OK, not the most reliable site around but i still love it, and i confess, i got a little perverted with this sales data think too!) site about such stuff, and you ALWAYS create threads that question its data. Does that sound rational to you? You are fighting there, to prove what? That a game sold 50-60 more thousands in Europe? A game that will end up selling MORE on 360, despite the horrific piracy (take a look at black-cats and torrentleech- I was frustrated from the dl number of 360 and Wii games) and despite the fact, that all you Sony Fans, constantly claim all the way to the release date that PS OWNS this game and it will crush the 360 version because people and consumers know that this is a PS title. Well, I got news for you, people don't give a shit anymore about this blinded fanboyism stuff. We're just abunch of rediculous guys that steal time from our gaming pleasure to bash each others nose, the same time that the great majority of the world is looking for the cheapest solution, and the easy way to entertainthemselves (that includes the 360 lower price, AND the PS3 low price as a Blu Ray Player).

The fewer unexpected results which end up being wrong the better. 360 DMC4 outselling the PS3 version in Europe would have been very unexpected if it was true, this happening for the UK was likely. Reporting unlikely data which ends up being incorrect only hurts this website, I'm just trying to provide feedback with regard to the sales I follow closely myself. Criticism (if constructive, thus polite and argumentive) is usually more helpful than blind cheerleader praising, I'll provide credit and compliments when warranted, the timing IMO isn't right for that, maybe the next NPD or when the PS3 hits 2 million in the UK according to VGChartz just before the reports start rolling in, etc.

Naughty Dog: "At Naughty Dog, we're pretty sure we should be able to see leaps between games on the PS3 that are even bigger than they were on the PS2."

PS3 vs 360 sales