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Moneybags said:
madskillz said:
LOL at the folks that continue to present info to MikeB ...

See wall - lower head - accelerate - ram at full force - to get the same effect as arguing with him.

Why is it a shocker if the 360 version outsold the PS3 version? Are folks so blind to think that 'Because-because-because DMC1, 2 and 3 were on tah Playstation, it will sell better on tah Playstation.'

Deal with it - Japan is the only reason why it outsold the 360 version anyhow. And trust me - I would rather have the small load times vs. a mandatory install to play the game. I am surprised that many PS3 owners even bought the game.


I can't believe you posted that Madskillz. You are one of the most uncompromising and uninteligable posters when it comes to a fair disscusion between Ps3 and 360. From what I've read members don't ridicule and talk about you negatively despite this. Treat others as you would as have them treat you.

the best thing about madskillz is that when someone provides solid evidence and arugments against his point he just does a 180 and says hes "out" or that the person "phails", he's incredible, really.

in fact, he did it twice in this thread alone.