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Forums - General Discussion - Toshiba to exit HD DVD, end format war-NHK

Sony actually won a format war ???
The battle has been won but the war is far from over. (always wanted to say that) :-p

Heeeeyyyy!!!! <Snap>

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Didn't sony make the dvd go mainstream? It killed vhs, I'd call that a win too!




Guitar Hero 3/ Smash Hits

5 dollars more? Perhaps mrsp. If you look around br discs cost at least 10$ more. Worse for older titles with lower DVD prices and it has to come down

Kyros said:
so now I want to see a decisive price drop for BluRay movies. The prices are ridiculous.

LOL ... you're funny. Competition bring lower prices - lack of it = stagnant prices. There's no real reason to lower prices when there is just one dominate format. Lower prices? LOL ... I expect prices to stay the same for a long, long time.

Look at fuel prices. If you don't have another competitor, you can charge folks whatever and they'll pay. Hence why monopolies are discouraged.

I bought an HD DVD because of several reasons, but the main one was freedom. Lossless audio is cool, but that would require me to buy another amp - and spend more money. For me, I am fine with the audio that HD DVD offers. It's sad that I'll have to accept Web features, the region-free aspect and the fact that this Blu Ray/HD DVD war brought lower priced players to the market, especially the BOGO offers are all a thing of the past.

Hooray for the ones who wanted this war to be over. It will be - and we can kiss lower prices for Blu Ray and the movies. Sad thing is - a lot of folks will still shell out the money to buy the movies.

Gimme DVD ftw ...

BTW, for folks that forgot, I do have a Blu Ray player. 

Cobretti2 said:
storage had nothing to do with the win. It was the fact they crammed it into the PS3.

I jsut hope they finallise the blu-ray standard soon and it gets approved.

 Support from both the computer industry and other hardware manufacturers certianly didn't hurt as well.  The support of the computer industry was obvious because of the higher storage limit and the reliability of burners compared to HD-DVD, which continually ran into problems creating viable burners for personal use.

 Toshiba's fire sales pushed other hardware manufacturers out of the HD-DVD camp because there was no money to be made. 

We had two bags of grass, seventy-five pellets of mescaline, five sheets of high-powered blotter acid, a salt shaker half full of cocaine, a whole galaxy of multi-colored uppers, downers, screamers, laughers…Also a quart of tequila, a quart of rum, a case of beer, a pint of raw ether and two dozen amyls.  The only thing that really worried me was the ether.  There is nothing in the world more helpless and irresponsible and depraved than a man in the depths of an ether binge. –Raoul Duke

It is hard to shed anything but crocodile tears over White House speechwriter Patrick Buchanan's tragic analysis of the Nixon debacle. "It's like Sisyphus," he said. "We rolled the rock all the way up the mountain...and it rolled right back down on us...."  Neither Sisyphus nor the commander of the Light Brigade nor Pat Buchanan had the time or any real inclination to question what they were doing...a martyr, to the bitter end, to a "flawed" cause and a narrow, atavistic concept of conservative politics that has done more damage to itself and the country in less than six years than its liberal enemies could have done in two or three decades. -Hunter S. Thompson

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madskillz said:
Kyros said:
so now I want to see a decisive price drop for BluRay movies. The prices are ridiculous.

LOL ... you're funny. Competition bring lower prices - lack of it = stagnant prices. There's no real reason to lower prices when there is just one dominate format. Lower prices? LOL ... I expect prices to stay the same for a long, long time.

Look at fuel prices. If you don't have another competitor, you can charge folks whatever and they'll pay. Hence why monopolies are discouraged.

I bought an HD DVD because of several reasons, but the main one was freedom. Lossless audio is cool, but that would require me to buy another amp - and spend more money. For me, I am fine with the audio that HD DVD offers. It's sad that I'll have to accept Web features, the region-free aspect and the fact that this Blu Ray/HD DVD war brought lower priced players to the market, especially the BOGO offers are all a thing of the past.

Hooray for the ones who wanted this war to be over. It will be - and we can kiss lower prices for Blu Ray and the movies. Sad thing is - a lot of folks will still shell out the money to buy the movies.

Gimme DVD ftw ...

BTW, for folks that forgot, I do have a Blu Ray player. 

Like you said, "Gimme DVD". They aren't idiots, they know they have to get prices more affordable to follow DVD's success. Price drops are far from over.

madskillz said:
Kyros said:
so now I want to see a decisive price drop for BluRay movies. The prices are ridiculous.

LOL ... you're funny. Competition bring lower prices - lack of it = stagnant prices. There's no real reason to lower prices when there is just one dominate format. Lower prices? LOL ... I expect prices to stay the same for a long, long time.

Look at fuel prices. If you don't have another competitor, you can charge folks whatever and they'll pay. Hence why monopolies are discouraged.

I bought an HD DVD because of several reasons, but the main one was freedom. Lossless audio is cool, but that would require me to buy another amp - and spend more money. For me, I am fine with the audio that HD DVD offers. It's sad that I'll have to accept Web features, the region-free aspect and the fact that this Blu Ray/HD DVD war brought lower priced players to the market, especially the BOGO offers are all a thing of the past.

Hooray for the ones who wanted this war to be over. It will be - and we can kiss lower prices for Blu Ray and the movies. Sad thing is - a lot of folks will still shell out the money to buy the movies.

Gimme DVD ftw ...

BTW, for folks that forgot, I do have a Blu Ray player. 

looks like somebody wasnt happy about the outcome of this war


madskillz said:

LOL ... you're funny. Competition bring lower prices - lack of it = stagnant prices. There's no real reason to lower prices when there is just one dominate format. Lower prices? LOL ... I expect prices to stay the same for a long, long time.

You are aware that electronic companies will be making cheaper players, probably something you forgot with VHS and DVD. I think it's safe to say that $500 priced DVD players and $300 VHS players didn't stay that high for too long.

Aj_habfan said:
madskillz said:
Kyros said:
so now I want to see a decisive price drop for BluRay movies. The prices are ridiculous.

LOL ... you're funny. Competition bring lower prices - lack of it = stagnant prices. There's no real reason to lower prices when there is just one dominate format. Lower prices? LOL ... I expect prices to stay the same for a long, long time.

Look at fuel prices. If you don't have another competitor, you can charge folks whatever and they'll pay. Hence why monopolies are discouraged.

I bought an HD DVD because of several reasons, but the main one was freedom. Lossless audio is cool, but that would require me to buy another amp - and spend more money. For me, I am fine with the audio that HD DVD offers. It's sad that I'll have to accept Web features, the region-free aspect and the fact that this Blu Ray/HD DVD war brought lower priced players to the market, especially the BOGO offers are all a thing of the past.

Hooray for the ones who wanted this war to be over. It will be - and we can kiss lower prices for Blu Ray and the movies. Sad thing is - a lot of folks will still shell out the money to buy the movies.

Gimme DVD ftw ...

BTW, for folks that forgot, I do have a Blu Ray player.

Like you said, "Gimme DVD". They aren't idiots, they know they have to get prices more affordable to follow DVD's success. Price drops are far from over.


Here's the deal - why would they lower prices? For goodwill? Not, that's not how a monopoly works. If you don't have a competitor, you dictate the price - you dictate what features are present and what features aren't. That's why competition brings innovation and lower prices. Do you really think without the 360, that the price of the PS3 would have fell to $499 and $399? No way. Without the 360, the Wii would have completely decimated the PS3 based on price alone. Folks are rather naive to think that the price drops will just keep rolling. There's no reason. If that was the case, why did the Blu Ray players stay over $599 for a long, long time?

Maybe because I have direct business experience and know-how is how I can see what's about to happen. You don't have to believe me or even like what I say, but it's the truth. Business is business - and business make money off of their profits. No one benefits from lack of competition. You can kiss innovative features coming quickly goodbye. We'll just have to accept whatever they give - exactly what Sony wanted all along.



DOATS1 said:
madskillz said:
Kyros said:
so now I want to see a decisive price drop for BluRay movies. The prices are ridiculous.

LOL ... you're funny. Competition bring lower prices - lack of it = stagnant prices. There's no real reason to lower prices when there is just one dominate format. Lower prices? LOL ... I expect prices to stay the same for a long, long time.

Look at fuel prices. If you don't have another competitor, you can charge folks whatever and they'll pay. Hence why monopolies are discouraged.

I bought an HD DVD because of several reasons, but the main one was freedom. Lossless audio is cool, but that would require me to buy another amp - and spend more money. For me, I am fine with the audio that HD DVD offers. It's sad that I'll have to accept Web features, the region-free aspect and the fact that this Blu Ray/HD DVD war brought lower priced players to the market, especially the BOGO offers are all a thing of the past.

Hooray for the ones who wanted this war to be over. It will be - and we can kiss lower prices for Blu Ray and the movies. Sad thing is - a lot of folks will still shell out the money to buy the movies.

Gimme DVD ftw ...

BTW, for folks that forgot, I do have a Blu Ray player.

looks like somebody wasnt happy about the outcome of this war


No, what I don't like is how easily folks will line up behind a format that is really, really lacking. Storage and better sound vs. region-free format and Web content in-movie ... folks don't have a defense for why Blu Ray is lacking. Yeah, it has studio support, yeah, it WILL have bigger storage (HD DVD has 51gb) but that's weak. And folks are willing to accept that. That's what I don't understand ...