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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Prediction: Which console will be in first place by the end of 2014?


Which console will have the most Lifetime sales by the end of 2014?

Wii U 210 25.55%
PS4 569 69.22%
Xbox One 42 5.11%
vivster said:
MTZehvor said:
vivster said:
chakkra said:
MTZehvor said:
Call me crazy, but I'm going with Wii U here. I expect the PS4 to pass it at some point, but I think Nintendo's 2014 lineup (Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros) is enough to delay that into 2015.


I won't call you crazy. Those are pretty good games and I can see why you have faith in them; but in my opinion the PS4 has an stronger line up of games for 2014, even if it is just quantity wise.

Just to name a few: The Witcher 3, Infamous: Second Son, Destiny, The Order: 1886, The Crew, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Metal Gear Solid, Thief, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Driveclub, Dying Light, Final Fantasy XIV Online, The Elder Scrolls Online, Minecraft (I don't know what  the fuss is with this game but people seem to love it).


Now, I know some of these games are not gonna be PS4 exclusives, but they are games that are NOT gonna be on the WiiU, and are games that would make me go for the PS4 instead of the WiiU (if I were to buy another console on 2014) well, except for Minecraft.



Are Nintendo fans really that blinded by the handful of great titles for the WiiU that they ignore the great lineup the other consoles have?

I mean have a look at this and show me how much anticipated the WiiU games are in comparison to PS4/X1 titles.


OT: PS4>X1>WiiU

I'm certainly not ignoring what the PS4 has, there are some fantastic titles coming its way which will definitely boost sales. I wasn't trying to make some argument as to whether the Wii U's upcoming lineup is better than the PS4 or not, simply that the Wii U has some titles that will keep the PS4 from catching up with it for a while.

Consider this; the last iterations of Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Donkey Kong sold roughly 50 million units combined. A sequel to each of these is being released at some point in 2014. I'm certainly not going to suggest that these titles will move 50 million consoles, but I believe they'll be enough of a boost to keep the Wii U's lead intact until 2015.

That may very well be but please consider that PS4/X1 currently have a bigger draw than WiiU regardless of the upcoming titles. They have the buzz going for them and the great lineup of games with a broad appeal will only make them stronger.

WiiU on the other hand is pretty much lost and buried under the hype of the new consoles that it is actually detrimental to their sales. The great titles definitely will push them to a "normal" level of sales and above but I don't think it can reach PS4/X1 levels of sale. It might beat them in the first weeks of the release of the titles and it might even beat them in the holidays but it just won't be enough to catch up the overall gap.

It would be interesting to see if it can actually keep up over the year and I'd like to see it staying ahead of the X1 but as of now I'm just not seeing it happening.

The end of spring will tell us more.

I think you're definitely selling the Wii U short.

First off, the "bigger draw" (I'm assuming that this refers to the fact that they were launched recently) that the X-Box One and PS4 have is fading, and it's going to get even more distant the further we get from the consoles launch dates. While the PS4 is still outselling the Wii U by a longshot, the Wii U has already overtaken the X-Box One in weekly sales. The trend of Wii U outselling the X-Box One may be short lived, it's enough to indicate that the "newness" factor of the two later arrivals to next gen is fading fast. In other words, even if the XB1 reverts back to outselling the Wii U in the long run, it's not going to be by enough to overtake a lead of two million sales by the end of 2014.

Secondly, the Wii U has a large price advantage, particularly over the X-Box One (you could legitimately buy two Wii Us for the price of one XB1), which is certainly enough to make some customers pause before buying either system.

Thirdly, the Wii U's 2014 isn't exactly shabby. I don't want to get into a console war here, but it's got enough titles to appear like a worthwhile investments. Looking at exclusives, Bayo 2, Wii Fit U, X, and the wild card that is Hyrule Warriors are all expected to be released in 2014 along with the trio of SSB, MK8, and DK. I think the console can support itself enough between the big three releases with those titles in order to stretch its lead past 2014.

And lastly, I cannot stress this enough, the Wii U's 2014 lineup is filled with its biggest sellers. Even if the PS4 lineup had a better collection of games, the Wii U's lineup has three sequels to series that routinely sell past 5 million copies per game, and in the case of MK and SSB, it's closer to 10 and 8 million respectively (throwing out the outliar that is MK Wii, which would put things closer to 15 million). On the other hand, while the PS4's lineup certainly has quality titles, it's much more iffy in terms of how previous installments have sold. Infamous Second son, arguably the biggest exclusive in Sony's lineup, averages around a little over 2 million sales per installment. The Witcher has yet to sell over a million on any console, and Dragon Age averages just over a million on Sony consoles. The rest of the major titles are new games, so I guess we'll have to see how they sell, but I'd have some difficulty imagining them pushing consoles.

Obviously, MGS and Destiny will both be heavy hitters, but I'd honestly take Smash Bros and Mario Kart against those two any day.

My point in saying all this is while these are certainly all quality titles, I'm not sure they're quality titles that will sell systems, or at least sell enough systems to make any noticeable difference. 

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I shall start by admitting that I am a biased Nintendo fan. I really want the Wii U to win, but I had to choose PS4.

I actually think the Wii U can win in the long run, but not by the end of 2014. Kart, Smash, and DK will certainly help, but a price cut is what the Wii U really needs, preferably before these games come out. If Nintendo is willing to take some risk, I think they should do a $100 price cut before any of these games out. If they actually do that, then I can easily see the Wii U beating the PS4 by the end of 2014. I do not know how much it costs Nintendo to manufacture a Wii U, but I don't think that it would be a bad idea for them to take a loss on the console (or a bigger one if they are already) in order to increase software sales. I don't think its likely, but Nintendo could risk losing relevancy, which is far worse than losing money.

The only I can say that is certain is that nothing is certain. (I'm loosely quoting someone but have no idea whom). At this point, anything could happen. No doubt 2014 will be an extremely crucial year.

NNID: garretslarrity

Steam: garretslarrity

garretslarrity said:
I shall start by admitting that I am a biased Nintendo fan. I really want the Wii U to win, but I had to choose PS4.

I actually think the Wii U can win in the long run, but not by the end of 2014. Kart, Smash, and DK will certainly help, but a price cut is what the Wii U really needs, preferably before these games come out. If Nintendo is willing to take some risk, I think they should do a $100 price cut before any of these games out. If they actually do that, then I can easily see the Wii U beating the PS4 by the end of 2014. I do not know how much it costs Nintendo to manufacture a Wii U, but I don't think that it would be a bad idea for them to take a loss on the console (or a bigger one if they are already) in order to increase software sales. I don't think its likely, but Nintendo could risk losing relevancy, which is far worse than losing money.

The only I can say that is certain is that nothing is certain. (I'm loosely quoting someone but have no idea whom). At this point, anything could happen. No doubt 2014 will be an extremely crucial year.

How can WiiU win when it doesn't have the third party games? PS4 and then XB1 will be 'gamers' choice, and as for the rest, even during thr Wii days it was a small market than gamers buying PS360. They're long gone anyway. Has a year of selling abysmaly not signalled to you that very few are interested in the WiiU?


PS4>XB1>Wii U

MTZehvor said:
vivster said:
MTZehvor said:
vivster said:
chakkra said:
MTZehvor said:
Call me crazy, but I'm going with Wii U here. I expect the PS4 to pass it at some point, but I think Nintendo's 2014 lineup (Donkey Kong, Mario Kart, Super Smash Bros) is enough to delay that into 2015.


I won't call you crazy. Those are pretty good games and I can see why you have faith in them; but in my opinion the PS4 has an stronger line up of games for 2014, even if it is just quantity wise.

Just to name a few: The Witcher 3, Infamous: Second Son, Destiny, The Order: 1886, The Crew, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Metal Gear Solid, Thief, Wolfenstein: The New Order, Driveclub, Dying Light, Final Fantasy XIV Online, The Elder Scrolls Online, Minecraft (I don't know what  the fuss is with this game but people seem to love it).


Now, I know some of these games are not gonna be PS4 exclusives, but they are games that are NOT gonna be on the WiiU, and are games that would make me go for the PS4 instead of the WiiU (if I were to buy another console on 2014) well, except for Minecraft.



Are Nintendo fans really that blinded by the handful of great titles for the WiiU that they ignore the great lineup the other consoles have?

I mean have a look at this and show me how much anticipated the WiiU games are in comparison to PS4/X1 titles.


OT: PS4>X1>WiiU

I'm certainly not ignoring what the PS4 has, there are some fantastic titles coming its way which will definitely boost sales. I wasn't trying to make some argument as to whether the Wii U's upcoming lineup is better than the PS4 or not, simply that the Wii U has some titles that will keep the PS4 from catching up with it for a while.

Consider this; the last iterations of Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, and Donkey Kong sold roughly 50 million units combined. A sequel to each of these is being released at some point in 2014. I'm certainly not going to suggest that these titles will move 50 million consoles, but I believe they'll be enough of a boost to keep the Wii U's lead intact until 2015.

That may very well be but please consider that PS4/X1 currently have a bigger draw than WiiU regardless of the upcoming titles. They have the buzz going for them and the great lineup of games with a broad appeal will only make them stronger.

WiiU on the other hand is pretty much lost and buried under the hype of the new consoles that it is actually detrimental to their sales. The great titles definitely will push them to a "normal" level of sales and above but I don't think it can reach PS4/X1 levels of sale. It might beat them in the first weeks of the release of the titles and it might even beat them in the holidays but it just won't be enough to catch up the overall gap.

It would be interesting to see if it can actually keep up over the year and I'd like to see it staying ahead of the X1 but as of now I'm just not seeing it happening.

The end of spring will tell us more.

I think you're definitely selling the Wii U short.

First off, the "bigger draw" (I'm assuming that this refers to the fact that they were launched recently) that the X-Box One and PS4 have is fading, and it's going to get even more distant the further we get from the consoles launch dates. While the PS4 is still outselling the Wii U by a longshot, the Wii U has already overtaken the X-Box One in weekly sales. The trend of Wii U outselling the X-Box One may be short lived, it's enough to indicate that the "newness" factor of the two later arrivals to next gen is fading fast. In other words, even if the XB1 reverts back to outselling the Wii U in the long run, it's not going to be by enough to overtake a lead of two million sales by the end of 2014.

Secondly, the Wii U has a large price advantage, particularly over the X-Box One (you could legitimately buy two Wii Us for the price of one XB1), which is certainly enough to make some customers pause before buying either system.

Thirdly, the Wii U's 2014 isn't exactly shabby. I don't want to get into a console war here, but it's got enough titles to appear like a worthwhile investments. Looking at exclusives, Bayo 2, Wii Fit U, X, and the wild card that is Hyrule Warriors are all expected to be released in 2014 along with the trio of SSB, MK8, and DK. I think the console can support itself enough between the big three releases with those titles in order to stretch its lead past 2014.

And lastly, I cannot stress this enough, the Wii U's 2014 lineup is filled with its biggest sellers. Even if the PS4 lineup had a better collection of games, the Wii U's lineup has three sequels to series that routinely sell past 5 million copies per game, and in the case of MK and SSB, it's closer to 10 and 8 million respectively (throwing out the outliar that is MK Wii, which would put things closer to 15 million). On the other hand, while the PS4's lineup certainly has quality titles, it's much more iffy in terms of how previous installments have sold. Infamous Second son, arguably the biggest exclusive in Sony's lineup, averages around a little over 2 million sales per installment. The Witcher has yet to sell over a million on any console, and Dragon Age averages just over a million on Sony consoles. The rest of the major titles are new games, so I guess we'll have to see how they sell, but I'd have some difficulty imagining them pushing consoles.

Obviously, MGS and Destiny will both be heavy hitters, but I'd honestly take Smash Bros and Mario Kart against those two any day.

My point in saying all this is while these are certainly all quality titles, I'm not sure they're quality titles that will sell systems, or at least sell enough systems to make any noticeable difference.

First, the WiiU didn't outsell the X1. This was revised by VGC and X1 is now comfortably in front in that week. Also PS4 outsold it by a large margin.

Second, if 2013 and the holiday season say anything then the price advantage currently does nothing with many people even claiming the price for the WiiU is much too high while the PS4 is actually considered relatively cheap for a launch console of that caliber.

Third, I think we can argue about this all day. I may be selling the WiiU and the games a bit short but you certainly oversell them. I wouldn't take the Wii numbers as any indication for the WiiU.

We will see end of spring how far the gap is between PS4 and WiiU and then we can argue again if it is possible for WiiU to close the gap when it's already at a disadvantage. If the one unit I will buy of the WiiU next year doesn't help it then nothing will^^

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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Seece said:
garretslarrity said:
I shall start by admitting that I am a biased Nintendo fan. I really want the Wii U to win, but I had to choose PS4.

I actually think the Wii U can win in the long run, but not by the end of 2014. Kart, Smash, and DK will certainly help, but a price cut is what the Wii U really needs, preferably before these games come out. If Nintendo is willing to take some risk, I think they should do a $100 price cut before any of these games out. If they actually do that, then I can easily see the Wii U beating the PS4 by the end of 2014. I do not know how much it costs Nintendo to manufacture a Wii U, but I don't think that it would be a bad idea for them to take a loss on the console (or a bigger one if they are already) in order to increase software sales. I don't think its likely, but Nintendo could risk losing relevancy, which is far worse than losing money.

The only I can say that is certain is that nothing is certain. (I'm loosely quoting someone but have no idea whom). At this point, anything could happen. No doubt 2014 will be an extremely crucial year.

How can WiiU win when it doesn't have the third party games? PS4 and then XB1 will be 'gamers' choice, and as for the rest, even during thr Wii days it was a small market than gamers buying PS360. They're long gone anyway. Has a year of selling abysmaly not signalled to you that very few are interested in the WiiU?

A year isn't enough time to write of a consoles chances of winning the gen. Not saying it will win, it probably won't. I just wouldn't write Ninty off yet.


Having said that, PS4, Xb1, WiiU for 2014.

Why are there so many wii u votes?

1. PS4
2. Wii U
3. Xbox One

Legendary_W said:
small44 said:
Legendary_W said:
If there's something I've learnt about sales in this very website, is that we never know what to expect. Sales always take weird twists.
Looking at the current situation it's logical to assume PS4 will be the winner, but the real question is, will it be able to keep it's momentum? Will Wii U be able to make some sort of comeback (I'm not saying an epic one, just one good enough to compete properly against PS4)? What will happen with Xbox One? What about handhelds? I don't think that PS Vita will surpass 3DS but what if it suddenly starts selling great and 3DS sales lower making the gap between them decrease at a slow but steady rate?

Now, seriously people, we don't know what to truly expect specially since we have no idea what will companies do. Wii U + 3DS bundle? PS4 + Vita bundle? New services? What will happen when the Steam Machines come out and how will it affect the consoles sales? So much to think about.

If wii u manage to compete with ps4 it will be one of the most epic comeback but it imposible without 3rd party support same for psv it won't surpass Nintendo 3ds without 3ed party support.

Like I said, there's just so much to think about. We won't know how long will PS4 keep up these sales. Many people seem to believe it will always sell at these levels, but the truth is that we won't know 'till we see it for ourselves. Maybe it was just the initial hype + holidays, maybe  the console really is that convincing as for people to buy it in masses at anytime of the year, so as I said we won't know for sure until numbers speak. We also don't know what will happen with Wii U. Miyamoto's new IP can be either an epic fail or an epic win, X looks very promising, Mario Kart and Smash Bros. will be decisive, Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze and Yarn Yoshi aren't system sellers at all but are definitely strong additions to the catalogue. I'll just go ahead and quote myself: Sales always take weird twists. Personally, I'd like them all to do at least well enough to make profit.

3rd party is what make a console successfull not first party,Nintendo first party didn't save Gamecube ,the lack of support kill it,Wii is a exception dispite the lack of 3rd party support casual gamers make it succesfull,casual don't seems interested on Wii u and 3rd party will not support wii u because people would prefer to play their game on ps4/xboxone because they are more powerfull.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Wiiu. Smash + mario kart + holidays


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064