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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Confirmed!

this is going to to horrible.

Nintendo Network ID: Sherlock99

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ChichiriMuyo said:
If the band were Rush and it had all the songs I wanted for a price I liked I'd get it. Otherwise it's hard to justify going for a single band. Not that I buy GH games anyway.

This is why it's a bad idea.  Everyone has their own favorite bands and musical tastes.  Limiting your game to primarily one artist shrinks your audience.  Rock Band's way of promoting bands with full-album DLC makes much more sense.

Activision does not understand their audience. With Rock Band out, people will be judging which system is better. I believe most will pefer downloadable songs to $60 copies of the next iteration. If it's a new mode, it should also come in DLC. Many other games do it, and these music games have the most to profit on it based on how expensive the initial buy-in is for them. People are willing to pay a few bucks for a song. They will not be willing to pay the $60 for Aerosmith. Activision is way out of the times. I guess Neversoft is just trying to keep busy since Tony Hawk failed.

Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.

I agree that Activision does not understand its audience by having the game focus primarily on one band....but I dont think people quite understand that this might not be a bad thing all together. The game will focus on Aerosmith yes but will also include tracks from bands that:
a)toured with Aerosmith
b)inspired Aerosmith
c)were inspired by Aerosmith
A quick browse through wikipedia shows some of those bands to be: Metallica, Led Zepplin, ACDC, KISS, Jimi Hendrix, Chuck Berry, The Who, The Beatles, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Poison, etc. etc.

With the pull of a major band behind this kind of project it could very well lead to big name bands that shunned the game in the past (ACDC, Zepplin) to feature in this game or perhaps GH4 if this game helps Aerosmith gain some more popularity.

I personally hope it opens up more bands to get involved in the game as i am a huge fan of the series and the more great music they can include the better.

Also this game better not cost more the $40 or ill be pissed.

I'd rather throw up and play with that.

Bet with disolitude: Left4Dead will have a higher Metacritic rating than Project Origin, 3 months after the second game's release.  (hasn't been 3 months but it looks like I won :-p )

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The voice inside my head told me all Aerosmith haters must die. I told the voice they're all already dead inside. Dream On.

They will develop a Guitar Hero every year until everyone will be saturated... Remember Tomb Raider series.... "I feel stronger now" hahahahaha

I've got the touch!!

epsilon72 said:
blaydcor said:
Not only am I growing increasinbly bored with Guitar Hero in general, and not only does a 1 band idea sound as much fun as getting my legs amputated, but Aerosmith? Come on, is that the best they could do?

Next up:

Guitar Hero: Nickelback edition.




 The horror...