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Forums - General Discussion - Netflix coming to PS3, XBOX 360 Full Details! UPDATE!

Lingyis said:
you can connect your computer to a 57" TV.

 Time, tools, and the PQ never looks quite right to me, maybe I just haven't seen it from a really good graphics card. This just works better for me, it seems way more efficient and I don't have to disconect my computer to go back to a monitor for something >_>

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

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Lingyis said:
you can connect your computer to a 57" TV.


yes you can but it's not as easy, hence the brilliance of this idea.  was the user interface revolution of apple and the wii completely lost on you.  the general public doesn't want to have to have a computer science degree in order to make their media work.

I m maybe completely stupid but

this is free ?

Time to Work !

i hope there will be a Wii attachment, but this is really a good idea. If it happens, I'd jump and get a PS-Triple if it goes down in price enough.

don't get me wrong, i think this is absolutely awesome. this is what i thought the future would be--but it's "now" already.

i'm just saying for me, there is no way i'm gonna buy a ps3 or 360 for movie streaming.

i think this has a good chance of taking off fairly quickly.

(i'm now looking up netflix's website... i have netflix and it seems like they already have it for PC...)

the Wii is an epidemic.

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Awesome! Sony may not like the BluRay competition - but they would be a LOT worse off if MS pick this up - and they don't.

No reason why the Wii couldn't handle this. I don't think decoding speed is an issue, and network speed is the same across all consoles.

80MB of RAM is more than sufficient as a cache - just means you can't buffer "heaps" of content - just a few minutes. Might not work for really slow connections (watch a few min, wait a few, repeat).

Gesta Non Verba

Nocturnal is helping companies get cheaper game ratings in Australia:

Game Assessment website

Wii code: 2263 4706 2910 1099

Sorry but the screenshot doesn't mention anything on the 360.
The 360 already has a movie download service.
What? Are they supposed to compete against eachother?
XBL Video Marketplace VS. Netflix?
And lastly...
The screenshot doesn't mention anything on the 360!


EDIT: SORRY, The screenshot is only for the PS3 part of the survey... Call me a jackass if you wish.


shams said:
Awesome! Sony may not like the BluRay competition - but they would be a LOT worse off if MS pick this up - and they don't.

No reason why the Wii couldn't handle this. I don't think decoding speed is an issue, and network speed is the same across all consoles.

80MB of RAM is more than sufficient as a cache - just means you can't buffer "heaps" of content - just a few minutes. Might not work for really slow connections (watch a few min, wait a few, repeat).

You can also use free flash drive space (or an SD card) as cache.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

This is neat in a way, nothing to fancy but this will not prevent me from buying DVD's or Blu-ray's.

after some reading, seems like netflix will try to strike deals with as many set-top box manufacturers and cable providers as possible.

also, it includes possible DVD/Blu-Ray players. only LG though apparently.

so, i guess online distribution is actually right around the corner, i just haven't been following the development closely.

come to think of it, a PS3 that plays netflix, Blu-Ray and games is actually not bad at all, since it's so much cheaper than regular Blu-Ray players. i doubt i'll use Blu-Ray much, but it's a nice, convenient option. and yeah, under no circumstance am i gonna consider a 360 given its failure rate.

NetFlix happens to be a great name for this kind of service... i wonder how they came up with the name in the first place.

the Wii is an epidemic.