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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Do You Think Nintendo Will Let More Third Party's Work On Their Series?


Do You????

Yup. 46 46.00%
Nope. 14 14.00%
F-ZERO!!!!! 20 20.00%
STARFOX!!!! 20 20.00%

They have to, honestly. The core nintendo market has shriveled. It started with n64 and on to the GameCube. The Wii was an anomaly considering they tapped into whole new market with it. They will always have the quality aspect with certain franchises, but without 3rd party support they will need the quantity part as well to attract new customers.

"Games are a trigger for adults to again become primitive, primal, as a way of thinking and remembering. An adult is a child who has more ethics and morals, that's all. When I am a child, creating, I am not creating a game. I am in the game. The game is not for children, it is for me. It is for an adult who still has a character of a child."


Shigeru Miyamoto

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dont mind if it it is the core game. Enough with the spinoffs I rather a new ip.



If it isn't one of Nintendo's big IPs' (Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc) mainline games then I'm pretty sure we'll see more partnerships coming up. They've been doing it for a while. It just seems like they're taking advantage of those partnerships more lately.

I'd be surprised if they don't get Sega to make another F-Zero game. There's been plenty of outcry for it, enough for Miyamoto to comment on the fact that people want another, so they'd be crazy to ignore it for another generation.

I just hope for a healthy balance between having 3rd parties work on Nintendo IPs and wrapping up 3rd party exclusives for their systems.

Nintendo has let 3rd parties make games for them since SNES est series and new IP's. Hotel Mario,Canceled Super Mario World 2,CDi Zelda's,Square Super Mario RPG and Mario Sports games,Mistwalker with The Last Story,Ganbarion Pandora's Tower,Namco with Star Fox,Smash Bros,Metroid,Pokemon,Mario Kart(Nintendo developed Pac-Man Vs),Capcom Zelda Minish Cap,Akira Endless Ocean,Sandlot with Zangeki no Reginleiv,Next Level Games with Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon and the list goes on and on and on and on with new IP's and est series with 3rd parties.