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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Is Microsoft up to something?

Microsoft is always up to something! hopefully something good.

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This is starting to look like a HUGE GDC. Some sort of bundle/SKU announcement is almost certain now. Im hoping for AWESOME bundles to boost sales for a month, then a price cut closer to GTAIV. Also, something big needs to be done in Europe.

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Username2324 said:
FOOD said:
I also find it hard to believe that Microsoft is having supply constraints. Sure, they've been selling well in NA, but I don't think they've been selling Wii-good enough to run short on supplies.

I guess this narrows it down to either a new SKU or something within that nature, or it may even be a lie because they have no excuse. All and all, I seriously doubt it's because they sold out.

 Perhaps there was some massive screw up during production and they are picking up the pieces, relying on warehouse stock to sell while they clean up.

Lol! That's possible.

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