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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One: Billions of Zombies Killed, Millions of Miles Driven, Enemies Defeated and Combos Created

theprof00 said:
What I want to know is how many times the word xbox has been said.

I would rather know how many times Kinect got sweared at :D

Well people obviously aren't against the numbers directly.At least i find such statistics funny but those are at the moment unwanted numbers.
Sony announced records here and there and of course how much they sold with sell through numbers and all those things.Much sell,much wow,much records and so on.
Microsoft gives like 5 minutes later the statistics for how many zombies were killed..."No one" cares for that right now.
Give true numbers and not the shipped garbage they pumped out for Day1 even before the 24 hours were over.

Around the Network

Why would microsoft give out sale numbers? it's obvious they are behind the PS4

soicanignorethefools said:
sully1311 said:
There we go. PR is starting.

So  let me get this straight.

-Sony puts up a thank you video and the reaction is "Aww isn't that sweet!" (as seen here)
-Micrsoft puts up a thank you note with some stats and the reaction is "Argh rabble rabble PR bull***"

Really? That's ridiculous. Give credit where credit is due. Both machines sold well and the early adopters are enjoying their games.

Welcome to VGChartz.

soicanignorethefools said:
sully1311 said:
There we go. PR is starting.

So  let me get this straight.

-Sony puts up a thank you video and the reaction is "Aww isn't that sweet!" (as seen here)
-Micrsoft puts up a thank you note with some stats and the reaction is "Argh rabble rabble PR bull***"

Really? That's ridiculous. Give credit where credit is due. Both machines sold well and the early adopters are enjoying their games.

My thoughts exactly.

Nsanity said:
kupomogli said:

I'm not a fan of Dead Rising so I'd rather play Dead Nation.  It also keeps track of how many zombies have been killed.

That's nice and all, but what does Dead Nation have to do with this thread?

I guess he is trying to say that there is nothing wrong with tracking stats. I dont think he is compering the games, they are so much different anyway

Around the Network

It's funny that the majority of people who post in this topic are blatant sony fangirls.


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SupBambiKing said:
theprof00 said:
What I want to know is how many times the word xbox has been said.

I would rather know how many times Kinect got sweared at :D

Well people obviously aren't against the numbers directly.At least i find such statistics funny but those are at the moment unwanted numbers.
Sony announced records here and there and of course how much they sold with sell through numbers and all those things.Much sell,much wow,much records and so on.
Microsoft gives like 5 minutes later the statistics for how many zombies were killed..."No one" cares for that right now.
Give true numbers and not the shipped garbage they pumped out for Day1 even before the 24 hours were over.

I would agree in a couple months.... but right now shipped and sold are pretty much exactly the same numbers for both consoles... yeah you might have a store in and there with a couple left at any given moment but nothing over a 1000 worldwide still in stock....

and shipped numbers down the line are still relevant since they will all be sold eventually... even for 360.... everything shipped still now will find a buyer...

soicanignorethefools said:
sully1311 said:
There we go. PR is starting.

So  let me get this straight.

-Sony puts up a thank you video and the reaction is "Aww isn't that sweet!" (as seen here)
-Micrsoft puts up a thank you note with some stats and the reaction is "Argh rabble rabble PR bull***"

Really? That's ridiculous. Give credit where credit is due. Both machines sold well and the early adopters are enjoying their games.

Not doubting that they've sold well, this just proves (imo) that the PS4 has outsold it.

ganoncrotch said:
DirtyP2002 said:

I can't believe some of you guys are hating on this.
I like to read these stats and MS publishes them every now and then. This is not a weak counter to Sonys sales numbers at all.


check here:


check here:


check here:


check here:


check here:


But there MUST be a battle, right?

it's not really a battle of anything really, just a company coming out with a press statment about numbers that their new system is doing, you would tend to expect more than "how many rotations the combined fans in all the units have spun since launch" or "how many spins of the blue ray for forza has done in the drive combined" there really isn't much of a point to them.

Especially given that things such as miles driven in forza is just going to be wrong, not all the systems are connected to XBL so there are thousands of uncounted miles, means it's just a completely incorrect arbitary number.

So, because one company announced sales numbers the other company is not allowed to publish statistics for their games, even though they are doing this for years. Got it.


Imagine not having GamePass on your console...

*MS talks about money
Fanboys: They aren't for the gamers!!

*MS talks about their games
Fanboys: Why aren't they talking about sales?!