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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Why is your favorite console the best?

This is a thread where you could say why you think your favorite console is the best. That is all. Nothing else. Don't insult other people with different opinions. Also don't give reasons why other consoles are bad just reasons why your favorite is the best. This allows people to express their opinion on there favorite console and not the ones they dislike. It would keep flaming low. Just explain why its the best and thats all. No comments on how other consoles are bad or anything. I just want to see peoples opinions without a flamewar starting.

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The reason why I prefer the Playstation 3 over the other two:

- Backwards compatability with PS1/PS2
- Naughty Dog/Insomniac
- Free online. Sure, it's not as functional as the 360s. But, I'm stuck with 360 silver. Also, as the 360's actually my brothers, when we eventually do get a Gold account, I won't really be able to play it (my brother, like me, is a completionist and a stats whore). Whereas, both of my brothers can have seperate accounts on my PS3.
- I prefer the controller. Shock horror.
- I hate the way Microsoft make you pay for themes, backgrounds and the way that all DLC has to be paid for.

I can't comment on the Wii, as I do not currently own it.

Because it has the games I want. No rubbish, I like the "childish" games. SMG, SSBB, TP, they're just the games I like the best.

It has motion controller, which IMO is awesome, I don't think it will be easy to go back to normal contollers (SSBB will be OK, due to Wiimote+nunchuck)

It has the most focus on offline multiplayer, which I like better than online.

It doesn't have great graphics, and therefore has more of the "happy look" so I'm happy while playing, which is the most important for me.

The Virtual Console is a great addition for me - I've only been around since N64 era.

Because it does NOT have voice-chat. I dislike voice chat.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

Metal Gear Solid 4. That is the only reason I OWN a PS3. Granted the other games are good, but MGS4 is the only reason I have a PS3, and don't have a 360 and Wii.

Free online is great, Can't wait for the PSN cards!


My console has a large library of high quality games in multiple genre's. The other consoles don't have that at all.

Devil May Cry 4
Gears Of War
Dead or Alive 4
Virtua Fighter 5
Eternal Sonata
Blue Dragon
Lost Odysee
Burnout Paradise
Mass Effect
Saints Row
Call Of Duty 4
The Orange Box

Future games:
Ninja Gaiden 2
Grand Theft Auto

The Xbox 360 has the most diverse library by far. There's something for everyone to play no matter what type of games you're into. You can't find a single RPG on the other consoles.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

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My favorite console in this gen,you ask? far,it´d be the 360,simply because it´s the system that currently has the biggest number of games I enjoy,let´s see if that changes in the future.

All time favorite:SNES...That was when gaming,to me,was at its peak.

PS3 baby :P

Franchises I know and love :P

Free Online Play with dedicated servers!

Best graphics and technology display I've seen on a console thus far, some of the facial animations in Heavenly Sword, or the insanely detailed worlds in Ratchet and Clank took my breath away :)

Blu-ray movies!!! OMG I HATE watching DVD's now, I'm so spoiled xD Killer picture and audio makes me a happy man :D

Great original PSN titles! I could not be happier with some of these! My first ever was Everyday shooter and Flow, and I though it couldn't get better :) then BAM, Super Stardust HD came a' knockin. Amazing original content :)

Overall look and feel! I think the XMB is just amazing, it's so simple, so clean. And all the free themes which change background, icons, sound effects give a really awesome feel to it all. I'm absolutely in love with the Lemmings theme with the Pixel Junk Monsters background at the moment xD

Media capabilities and Folding at home, I LOVE having a system directly attached to a surround setup via HDMI, music and internet video's are just fantastic! I don't use remote play very often, but man the rare occasions I do, I realize just how badass it really is. And I LOVE downloading ps1 classic games and playing them on my PS3 and PSP, and being able to move my save data back and forth between the two is just classic :)

Video chat! I think it's also so badass that I can have a video conference with 5 of my other friends xD It just makes it feel so much closer to home :P

Ours has been VERY reliable :P were on our fist unit, have been running it essentially non-stop for the last 3 months now, and it still performs like a champ :) Knowing that things can only get better from here on out makes it all the better ^^

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

It keeps me entertained! (That's all you need to know.)

Remote play is also pretty awesome and its unique to the system. 

Wii because to me it's just fun and exciting to see where the tech is going

The thing I like about the PS3 is that I can open up that browser and download Daphne Rosen clips. God, I wish I could do that on my 360.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!