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PS3 baby :P

Franchises I know and love :P

Free Online Play with dedicated servers!

Best graphics and technology display I've seen on a console thus far, some of the facial animations in Heavenly Sword, or the insanely detailed worlds in Ratchet and Clank took my breath away :)

Blu-ray movies!!! OMG I HATE watching DVD's now, I'm so spoiled xD Killer picture and audio makes me a happy man :D

Great original PSN titles! I could not be happier with some of these! My first ever was Everyday shooter and Flow, and I though it couldn't get better :) then BAM, Super Stardust HD came a' knockin. Amazing original content :)

Overall look and feel! I think the XMB is just amazing, it's so simple, so clean. And all the free themes which change background, icons, sound effects give a really awesome feel to it all. I'm absolutely in love with the Lemmings theme with the Pixel Junk Monsters background at the moment xD

Media capabilities and Folding at home, I LOVE having a system directly attached to a surround setup via HDMI, music and internet video's are just fantastic! I don't use remote play very often, but man the rare occasions I do, I realize just how badass it really is. And I LOVE downloading ps1 classic games and playing them on my PS3 and PSP, and being able to move my save data back and forth between the two is just classic :)

Video chat! I think it's also so badass that I can have a video conference with 5 of my other friends xD It just makes it feel so much closer to home :P

Ours has been VERY reliable :P were on our fist unit, have been running it essentially non-stop for the last 3 months now, and it still performs like a champ :) Knowing that things can only get better from here on out makes it all the better ^^

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.