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Forums - Gaming Discussion - For those that played Devil May 4...what would you like changed for DMC5?

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tastyshovelware said:
I hate to go off topic but I have a quick question and don't want to create a thread.

what's the difference between spamming and trolling?

 Spamming= posting worthless crap

Trolling=saying something bad about Nntendo

I'm also going to have to agree that Ninja Gaiden trashes this game. Sigma was just way better than this game. 

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

Thanks everyone, and while I haven't played DMC 4, I will add that 1 was great and 3 would have been great if it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't get past stage 8 on easy.

From what I've read, DMC 4 raises the bar.

I just want the jumping motion to be more fluid in the next game. It feels pretty awkward, at least after you play something like Ninja Gaiden Black/Sigma. The length was alright, you don't want an action game going on for too long, otherwise it would get too repetitive. I also hope that the next entry gets a slight overhaul. Even with Nero, this game feels very similar to previous entries, though that's not too much of a bad thing.

While I did enjoy the game overall, the backtracking with Dante and having to fight the boss's multiple time was quite annoying and became rather tiresome. Also the camera could have have used a bit more tweaking.

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Dark_Lord_2008 said:

Ninja Gaiden 2 will blow DMC 4 out of the water. DMC4 gets boring once you have passed it all. I hated backtracking through the levels with Dante. The music was crap in the game only one track per character played over and over. It really sucked that you had to fight the same bosses over and over. When you got lost it would be better if there were directions showing which way to go, walking around in circles is no fun. DMC4 has great graphics, easy to pick up gameplay and the cut scenes between levels were exceptional.  DMC5 hopefully will improve upon the criticisms I have stated.  

DMC4 is equal with DMC3 both around 83% average score on DMC is the highest ranked with 90%. DMC2 average score is only 73%. DMC4 makes a great rental for the average gamer, but a purchase for a fan of the DMC series.

One may think this is a bad game by reading your review there. This game is great and bettern than any game we've seen for atelast 2 months...Dark_Lord just has really high standards.

Yes Ninja Gaiden is pretty amazing but we've all played it. I assure anyone that this game is funner playing through the first time than Ninja Gaiden would be the second or thrid. If you are going to buy one slasher game this year wait for Ninja Gaiden 2. But if you enjoy playing good games, give DMC4 a try...

hot game ps3 version i have and love it.


remember there is not a perfect game...

it depends on players taste....

one may prefer more puzzles other not

one may prefer the gameplay other not

and so

there is saying....." if there are not differ tastes, people would agree in one item"




           Wait me so0on

Looks like Dabaus wants the game to be less like it's made by a bunch of Japanese guys, and more like it was made by Americans. =P

I haven't played DMC4 yet, but after playing the previous three parts and watching several video reviews, I'm a bit annoyed by how the gameplay is almost completely the same as before, and the camera continues to be horrible. I'm starting to think the Japanese are allergic to adjustable camera angles or something... -_-

GIVE ME THE GODDAMN SPARTA SWORD!!!! I've missed that sword so much since the first game xD

The music is more like ambiance in that game, but regardlessly I would like a bit more. I agree in full.

Better follow through on certain weapons :P I mean I understand that some of them are "unique", but I just didn't enjoy some of them. I though Pandora's box was going to be much more fun, same with the red needle things. I dunno, just not my cup of tea :/ they seemed like filler weapons :(

Higher res textures on random environmental objects >_>;;; the ground looked so awful in certain cut-scenes xD I would love for them to push blu-rays space just a little bit lol.

Make the damn Exceed gauge not suck until you get max exceed. I hated filling that thing by hand >_>; just did not work well with any sort of combat flow.

More dynamics on the sound effects!!! The gun's didn't sound terribly powerful, and I could have used more "oomph' on the stinger type moves :x

More needless sexuality!!!! Capcoms's getting decent with they're female character models, I think it would totally help that style of game and it would be fan service at it's minimum :P

I'm totally loving the game though! Dante's sections are friggin awesome xD And the cutscenes are totally over the top and badass. This game gets my Kudo's :P THEY SHOWED MY DAMN SWORD AND DIDN'T LET ME USE IT THOUGH, FUX THEM!!!

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