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GIVE ME THE GODDAMN SPARTA SWORD!!!! I've missed that sword so much since the first game xD

The music is more like ambiance in that game, but regardlessly I would like a bit more. I agree in full.

Better follow through on certain weapons :P I mean I understand that some of them are "unique", but I just didn't enjoy some of them. I though Pandora's box was going to be much more fun, same with the red needle things. I dunno, just not my cup of tea :/ they seemed like filler weapons :(

Higher res textures on random environmental objects >_>;;; the ground looked so awful in certain cut-scenes xD I would love for them to push blu-rays space just a little bit lol.

Make the damn Exceed gauge not suck until you get max exceed. I hated filling that thing by hand >_>; just did not work well with any sort of combat flow.

More dynamics on the sound effects!!! The gun's didn't sound terribly powerful, and I could have used more "oomph' on the stinger type moves :x

More needless sexuality!!!! Capcoms's getting decent with they're female character models, I think it would totally help that style of game and it would be fan service at it's minimum :P

I'm totally loving the game though! Dante's sections are friggin awesome xD And the cutscenes are totally over the top and badass. This game gets my Kudo's :P THEY SHOWED MY DAMN SWORD AND DIDN'T LET ME USE IT THOUGH, FUX THEM!!!

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