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Forums - Gaming Discussion - For those that played Devil May 4...what would you like changed for DMC5?

I just beat DMC4 and am seriously pleased with how the game turned out. However there are a few issues I did not like about it and would like capcom to change for the next one. And shockingly, here they are:

Game music - the same song plays when you fight as Nero and another same metal tune plays when you get to play as Dante. Bosses have different music but most of the gameplay you listen to the same song over and over. There are plenty of unsigned metal bands who would bend over backwards and write and licence kick ass metal tunes for 10 grand. My old band included...

Difficulty -  the easy difficulty is laughable easy. the other one is too hard. No surprise there as that's been the norm for most DMC games. Capcom needs to fine tune that.

Mini-missions - I hated all the mini missions scattered through out the game. They don’t bring anything to the story and are just a cheap way to prolong the game. The should have a mini-mission unlockable after you beat the game and take it out of the main game.

Puzzles - There are no puzzles in this game. None. There is a magical forest part where you kinda get lost if you are 12 or less and thats it. I'm not saying every game needs puzzles but this one with constant hack n slash gameplay would benefit from a little change of pace.


And thats it. Everything else was bang on in my opinion. If I was on IGNs payroll and was asked to review it I'd give the game 8.3/10.

Anyone else care to share experiences with DMC4? 

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1.)I would like to game to be longer. 35 hours would be a good length.

2.)It needs to be harder. Devil Hunter mode is far to easy.

3.)Nero needs more weapons. It would be badass if I could switch over to Yamato.

4.) Let me choose wich character I want to use. I would like to be able to play as both characters in every level I want. Make it like X and Zero.

That's about it, really. I'd give the game an 8.8/10. Great game. 

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

So far im on mission 16 of 20 and would give the game an 8.4 so far.

Gameplay- The gameplay is great. Nero's devil bringer adds alot to the combat and the fact that his gun(s) are weak makes the player rely on the devil bringer. Dante is awesome to play as. He has good weapons, can change styles on the fly, and is a beast in devil trigger mode.

Story- Well...Up to the point im at its complete bullshit. Seriously its THAT bad. DMC i guess you could say has never been about story but this is ridiculous. (Spoilers ahead!) Cult that worships sparda tries to make a giant statue come to life to fight demons? Well at the part im at thats whats happend so far.

Music- Cant say i care much for the music either. The battle music is repitive and quite frankly not that good.

Alright so my quasi review seemed pretty down on it but im a huge DMC fan and willing to put up with its shortcomings.

-As for dmc 5, i would LOVE if they took the story a bit (Alot) more serious. .The main character would not be Nero or dante. You customize how your character looks, what they excel in, what weapons, they are good with, whether they are more physical or rely on magic moves, rely on defensive spells or physical spells. etc.Bring back speacial DT moves like how DMC1 had.

-Say you start in a giant city and you go to the devil hunter bar to get missions to continue the story but if you dont want to do that you can explore the city, explore the forest, castle, graveyard, desert, volcano, hell itself, "otherworld" or giant lake area around said city.

-I would like some variety in the music. Diverse enemies, i got tired of fighting the Scarecrow enemies in 4. Lots of weapons to choose from such as a spear, bring back the nunchucks, a double sided sword, Sparda, agni & Rudra, daggers, a goku pole, a scythe, laser sword, sword made of flame, ice, ligtning,etc. Bring back the "level up" weapons from DMC2.

-Downloadable content for more areas to explore and more missions. Online Co-op for secret bosses. Online vs mode. Be compatable with HOME, for example when you kill a boss you can hang its head on your wall, hang weapons on your wall, trish blow up doll, etc.

Edit: I dont think having a city with people would turn the DMC series into a boring sandbox game. I think itd be cool to have item shops, weapons shops, gun smiths, people to talk to/save. Think of zelda majoras mask and fable. As far as i know those games are not sandbox but are what id like to see dmc series evolve to in terms of things to do. It could have a very gothic atmoshere, creepy music, the town that is. Its not like im talking about newyork with sky scrapers and stealing cars and crap.





I completely agree with everything you said...except the story being horrible. It won't blow anyone away but it does the job better than it should for this type of game in my opinion.

I have a bigger issue with bad guys...none of them are that interesting. Nero and Dante are kick ass but they are kinda lame.

Well its alot better than DMC2's and alot less silly than ninja gaidens (Fair comparison i think.)




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This isn't an online co-op game or an MMO, it's Action/Adventure game. You have some great ideas, but that's a little over the top for this game. I would also rather Devil May Cry not turn into another sandbox game.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!

dabaus513 said:
Well its alot better than DMC2's and alot less silly than ninja gaidens (Fair comparison i think.)

Agreed...Ninja Gaiden is better than DMC in most categories.

Dante is a lot cooler than Ryo tho :)

Nero not so much...too much whining...

@ Riot

I realize that its not an online co-op game, thats why i said only for secret bosses. Most people are unaware but in the original dmc3 (probaly in the speacial edition) if another controller is plugged in on mission 19 where dante and vergil team up t fight the blob the second player plays as vergil. I dont think itd be that out of place seeing as how capcom has let it happen before.




Riot Of The Blood said:

This isn't an online co-op game or an MMO, it's Action/Adventure game. You have some great ideas, but that's a little over the top for this game. I would also rather Devil May Cry not turn into another sandbox game.

Agreed sandbox please. 

Everything needs to change. I have all the DMC games and this one was just boring to me, felt like more of the same with an even more annoying main character(for a while anyway). It's still a good game but I think I'm getting tired of the series and after a truly intense action game like NG, DMC seems really mellow in comparison.