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So far im on mission 16 of 20 and would give the game an 8.4 so far.

Gameplay- The gameplay is great. Nero's devil bringer adds alot to the combat and the fact that his gun(s) are weak makes the player rely on the devil bringer. Dante is awesome to play as. He has good weapons, can change styles on the fly, and is a beast in devil trigger mode.

Story- Well...Up to the point im at its complete bullshit. Seriously its THAT bad. DMC i guess you could say has never been about story but this is ridiculous. (Spoilers ahead!) Cult that worships sparda tries to make a giant statue come to life to fight demons? Well at the part im at thats whats happend so far.

Music- Cant say i care much for the music either. The battle music is repitive and quite frankly not that good.

Alright so my quasi review seemed pretty down on it but im a huge DMC fan and willing to put up with its shortcomings.

-As for dmc 5, i would LOVE if they took the story a bit (Alot) more serious. .The main character would not be Nero or dante. You customize how your character looks, what they excel in, what weapons, they are good with, whether they are more physical or rely on magic moves, rely on defensive spells or physical spells. etc.Bring back speacial DT moves like how DMC1 had.

-Say you start in a giant city and you go to the devil hunter bar to get missions to continue the story but if you dont want to do that you can explore the city, explore the forest, castle, graveyard, desert, volcano, hell itself, "otherworld" or giant lake area around said city.

-I would like some variety in the music. Diverse enemies, i got tired of fighting the Scarecrow enemies in 4. Lots of weapons to choose from such as a spear, bring back the nunchucks, a double sided sword, Sparda, agni & Rudra, daggers, a goku pole, a scythe, laser sword, sword made of flame, ice, ligtning,etc. Bring back the "level up" weapons from DMC2.

-Downloadable content for more areas to explore and more missions. Online Co-op for secret bosses. Online vs mode. Be compatable with HOME, for example when you kill a boss you can hang its head on your wall, hang weapons on your wall, trish blow up doll, etc.

Edit: I dont think having a city with people would turn the DMC series into a boring sandbox game. I think itd be cool to have item shops, weapons shops, gun smiths, people to talk to/save. Think of zelda majoras mask and fable. As far as i know those games are not sandbox but are what id like to see dmc series evolve to in terms of things to do. It could have a very gothic atmoshere, creepy music, the town that is. Its not like im talking about newyork with sky scrapers and stealing cars and crap.