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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Please don't ban me, but this is funny ...

He might be legit, but he's still an ass.
You've got your own blog MadSkillz, but you're not an ass, big difference.
And for a guy having been in the biz that long, he's really poorly updated and schooled even in basic principles revolving around the market and the bussiness as a whole. How could such a person ever have helped anyone?
That's beyond me... At this rate, his input is no more valuable or valid than that of a typical, well spoken member of Vgchartz.
That just makes me sad, for his part mostly.
I've never seen any true insight or even terribly impressive language or depth in any of his posts, he mostly posts about his own posts to underline and stress how important they are.

Edit; anyone can have a blog wherein they impress and force their own excellence and importance on the reader,but that doesn't make it important or insightful in my honest opinion. There are many members in here which seem, and indeed probably are, more reflected and intelligent than this poor fellow. Why does he care what we think, anyway? Isn't that really a testament to how sorry a state his career may be in?

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^how dare you mock Bruce he is a great man, i blog about it here...






@ Claude

I like that... doucheongames

It works perfectly

On topic: Yeah, he is totally a douche. He tried to hate on this site a while ago, and the tried to pimp his own site out on here. I for one am so glad that he's gone.

DMeisterJ said:
@ Claude

I like that... doucheongames

It works perfectly

On topic: Yeah, he is totally a douche. He tried to hate on this site a while ago, and the tried to pimp his own site out on here. I for one am so glad that he's gone.

I don't think he really hates the site considering he's till using VGC's data. But anyways, all he really did here was post some of the most illogical analysis ever and users here do that all the time. If it wasn't for the fact that he acted like some gaming analyst god, he was quite harmless and shouldn't have been banned.

totalwar23 said:
DMeisterJ said:
@ Claude

I like that... doucheongames

It works perfectly

On topic: Yeah, he is totally a douche. He tried to hate on this site a while ago, and the tried to pimp his own site out on here. I for one am so glad that he's gone.

I don't think he really hates the site considering he's till using VGC's data. But anyways, all he really did here was post some of the most illogical analysis ever and users here do that all the time.

 Yes, but no one here boasts about a solid and proffessional background before letting their asses out to dry... That's what makes this man so sad, first he tells you how much smarter than you he is, and then he manages to turn around and prove himself dead wrong. He honestly does not know his own front from his own back.

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^Well, that's why I included the whole gaming god thing but i thought all of the threads he posted in or created was quite fun-I mean, I had fun reading stuff he said and the flak he got back. One of the best times in VGC I had.

totalwar23 said:
^Well, that's why I included the whole gaming god thing but i thought all of the threads he posted in or created was quite fun-I mean, I had fun reading stuff he said and the flak he got back. One of the best times in VGC I had.

That's exactly why I want him back, he was so damn entertaining and so were the results of his threads (the Hillary thread being of my favorites). The man had no social skills whatsoever, I guess it's easier posting a blog that "professionals" sporadically comment on than hold an intelligent discussion on a message board that requires an actual exchange between 2 or more people.

Really, there's no thread like a Douche Everiss thread.


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

^ mabye we should let him back just to rile him up--give hi a spampass, a get out of troll free card and so forth


Good catch. He's a horrible poster.

Can people post in their profiles when they're banned? Maybe they should be allowed to...could get interesting.