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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - FAST Racing NEO powered by 2nd generation engine for Wii U supports and uses 4k-8k textures

curl-6 said:
Holy freaking Christ that's a lot of text, eyeofcore. XD
Maybe trim the quote trees, eliminate the stuff we've already covered? That's just too much.

I know... LMAO

I won't trim it because if I trim it then some people will/may wonder what are we talking about and responding... Not many people are willing to backtrack just to see what response is to that and that...

Christ... I hate my neighbours :P I hear them doing "the thing"... Every single fucking day, like rabbits :P

Around the Network
fatslob-:O said:

There are other bottlenecks in the WII U such as the fillrates and processing power too! The WII U is theoretically all around weaker than the PS360!

Welcome back!

Click HERE and be happy 

curl-6 said:
Holy freaking Christ that's a lot of text, eyeofcore. XD
Maybe trim the quote trees, eliminate the stuff we've already covered? That's just too much.

He's probably one of the worst posters ever. XD

He'll continue making pointless essays like this and he has done that shit since he signed up. 

@eyeofcore The reason I reference Pemalite has to do with the fact that he's the only one here knows something. Your posts just further proved why you got owned so hard at anandtech LMAO. The one with bullshit here is you man. You got called out by everyone at anantech LOL. A highly technical site like itself has berated your assessments of the WII U. You have no more credibility left. Your research is completely garbage so far compared to what I have. Your other jester megafenix ain't too bright either.

The deacon here is obviously you but nobody here knows who's right. The only way to find out is going to a city where it's full of knowledge on latin. That city is anandtech and we all know how you ended up there LOL. How's it like to get rejected by one of the biggest tech sites out there ? 

The peasants in the village would be Wyrdness. <------(Ironic that he's betting on the wrong people. LOL His reality ain't the truth but then again I remember peasants being indoctrinated in the past so who am I to blame.)

EricFabian said:
fatslob-:O said:

There are other bottlenecks in the WII U such as the fillrates and processing power too! The WII U is theoretically all around weaker than the PS360!

Welcome back!

C'mon man you know that I don't mean for the WII U to be weaker than the PS360.

Relax there are other ways for the WII U to have a better output than the PS360.

fatslob-:O said:

He's probably one of the worst posters ever. XD

He'll continue making pointless essays like this and he has done that shit since he signed up. 

@eyeofcore The reason I reference Pemalite has to do with the fact that he's the only one here knows something. Your posts just further proved why you got owned so hard at anandtech LMAO. The one with bullshit here is you man. You got called out by everyone at anantech LOL. A highly technical site like itself has berated your assessments of the WII U. You have no more credibility left. Your research is completely garbage so far compared to what I have. Your other jester megafenix ain't too bright either.

The deacon here is obviously you but nobody here knows who's right. The only way to find out is going to a city where it's full of knowledge on latin. That city is anandtech and we all know how you ended up there LOL. How's it like to get rejected by one of the biggest tech sites out there ? 

The peasants in the village would be Wyrdness. <------(Ironic that he's betting on the wrong people. LOL His reality ain't the truth but then again I remember peasants being indoctrinated in the past so who am I to blame.)

I'd say you're worse then the peasant, I never mentioned Eye so that's a moot point and highlighted how badly you got schooled when asked about bandwidth by someone else although given your reading difficulties it's easy to see why you can't fathom this. The's a term in the EU that originates from Eastern Europe in that the empty barrel makes the most noise with the barrel representing substance and knowledge in a metaphoric sense, look back at this thread who's the one who has the most posts in these type of threads yet no interest in the platform? Who's the one getting called out by various people and schooled every now and then? Who's the one engaged in multiple arguments that everyone is picking up on? Who's the one in these threads throwing insults at people who pull him on things?

What's funny and further likens this saying to you is that you can't even fight your own battles but have to summon help from your dad or village chief to argue your case for you which if Eyeofcore is the deacon then you are well below even the peasents as you're attempt to engage people but get slapped down hard by someone else before running to hide behind this permalite. You know who else does that? Young kids who start trouble then hide behind mummy and daddy that's how you've conducted yourself, you're loud then when people look in your direction to see what's up you hide behind Permalite and that's the point of the saying. You're the barrel making noise and when people come to check what's making the noise the's nothing, Mr Red Dead conducted himself in a similar manner only he at least fought his own battles rather then calling his parents.

Around the Network
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
ports will always make thw wii u to underpeform unless the developers change te source code to reallocate resources from main ram to cache or edram, and of course, they also have to leave the sound process to the dsp and use the other core of the wii u cpu for other job to speed up things

of course this takes time and effort and must of the dont ,mind doing it

This sounds like damage control for the WII U. 

If the WII U truly had more "power" these ports wouldn't be struggling because a game will automatically take advantage of more powerful hardware such as the PC. It wouldn't take any effort whatsoever if the hardware was truly more powerful. 

Clearly the WII U fails to provide the much needed bandwidth, fillrate, and processing power for games like COD and batman. 

it5 doesnt really matter how powerful it is if the source code doesnt take profit of the system

the port comes fro xbox, so what the source code takes into account?

only 1 mega of cache

only 10 megas of cache


even if wiiu has triple of that, the source code doesnt use it since its a port of xbox, all what could have been fitted on teh extra cache and edram does directky to main ram sicne the source code tells the system to do so


so, to sollve it, developers have to reallocate the resources, but mmust of them dont mind since are in a hurry


ps4 doesnt have to struggle with this since doesnt have edram, just a big gddr5 main ram, so no matter hopw lazy the developers are, the possibility of making a crap port is very unlikely

You need to understand that there are more factors to a games performance rather than memory usage! 

It is not the usage of memory alone that makes the game performs better. There are other things like fillrate which determine how fast it takes to write textures to a surface and how many pixels it can push out or the processing power required to calculate animations and lighting as well but all of those don't matter if it is under utilizied by low bandwidth either. 

The WII U has clearly demonstrated a lack of these elements altogether in some games shown. 


you understimate edram to much, unlike xbox, its not just for framebuffer, wiiu has edram also for textures, doing intensive cpu works though l3 cache, etc


the problem is that when developers dont make good use of the edram and use to much ram, the main ram bottleneck the gpu and cpu capailities, tahts whats going on


imagine an hd8800 with only 128 megabytes of vram

does it matter?cant we just rely on the main ram?

I'll say it one more time and never again in this thread. You cannot rely the eDRAM everytime becuase it is only used for caching frequently accessed data. There will be a time where the eDRAM misses and that's when the WII U is going to have to access the main memory and only the main memory. The WII U cannot by fed with just 32MB of data, it needs more than that and accessing the main memory is important for that operation. 

There are other bottlenecks in the WII U such as the fillrates and processing power too! The WII U is theoretically all around weaker than the PS360!

didnt you read eyeofcore quote?

is more than just for caching, in fact, did you know that gpus already have small caches for tmus and spus?

how big you think they are?

here is a clue

16kb,64kb, 8kb

compare those caches with the 32 megabytes of edram and is like comparing cpu cache with mainn ram



The easiest way that I can explain this is that when you take each unit of time that the Wii U eDRAM can do work with separate tasks as compared to the 1 Gigabyte of slower RAM, the amount of actual Megabytes of RAM that exist during the same time frame is superior with the eDRAM, regardless of the fact that the size and number applied makes the 1 Gigabyte of DDR3 RAM seem larger. These are units of both time and space. Fast eDRAM that can be used at a speed more useful to the CPU and GPU have certain advantages, that when exploited, give the console great gains in performance.

The eDRAM of the Wii U is embedded right onto the chip logic, which for most intent and purposes negates the classic In/Out bottleneck that developers have faced in the past as well. Reading and writing directly in regard to all of the chips on the Multi Chip Module as instructed.



stop playing dumb dude, i have been reading everyones quotes unlike you, you just here yourself, talking with you feels like talking to the wall, i go back to the previous posts and read eyeofcore again


your statement has already been kicked out twice by shinen with the same line

you want to make the sae statement and me or anyone else use shinen statement counter attack a third time?


Wyrdness said:
fatslob-:O said:

He's probably one of the worst posters ever. XD

He'll continue making pointless essays like this and he has done that shit since he signed up. 

@eyeofcore The reason I reference Pemalite has to do with the fact that he's the only one here knows something. Your posts just further proved why you got owned so hard at anandtech LMAO. The one with bullshit here is you man. You got called out by everyone at anantech LOL. A highly technical site like itself has berated your assessments of the WII U. You have no more credibility left. Your research is completely garbage so far compared to what I have. Your other jester megafenix ain't too bright either.

The deacon here is obviously you but nobody here knows who's right. The only way to find out is going to a city where it's full of knowledge on latin. That city is anandtech and we all know how you ended up there LOL. How's it like to get rejected by one of the biggest tech sites out there ? 

The peasants in the village would be Wyrdness. <------(Ironic that he's betting on the wrong people. LOL His reality ain't the truth but then again I remember peasants being indoctrinated in the past so who am I to blame.)

I'd say you're worse then the peasant, I never mentioned Eye so that's a moot point and highlighted how badly you got schooled when asked about bandwidth by someone else although given your reading difficulties it's easy to see why you can't fathom this. The's a term in the EU that originates from Eastern Europe in that the empty barrel makes the most noise with the barrel representing substance and knowledge in a metaphoric sense, look back at this thread who's the one who has the most posts in these type of threads yet no interest in the platform? Who's the one getting called out by various people and schooled every now and then? Who's the one engaged in multiple arguments that everyone is picking up on? Who's the one in these threads throwing insults at people who pull him of things?

What's funny and further likens this saying to yoy is that you can't even fight your own battles but have to summon help from your dad or village chief to argue your case for you which if Eyeofcore is the deacon then you are well below even the peasents as you're attempt to engage people but get slapped down hard by someone else before running to hide behind this permalite. You know who else does that? Young kids who start trouble then hide behind mummy and daddy that's how you've conducted yourself, you're loud then when people look in your direction to see what's up you hide behind Permalite and that's the point of the saying. You're barrel making noise and when people come to check what's making the noise the's nothing, Mr Red Dead conducted himself in a similar manner only he at least fought his own battles rather then calling his parents.

Ironic since you hide behind eyeofcore and megafenix to do the talking for you. Who's worse ? The peasant that follows the educated or is it the slave that takes in whatever the deacon says ? Your clearly the latter. Being a slave to some jesters is bad enough but if your one of them then I pity you. BTW if your referring to megafenix you have also worshipped another jester. Your hate clouds rationality. Just because you dislike someone don't mean their wrong. You obviously need some tampons to clean up your mess. Just go and accept the facts! Deal with it!

Go and cry moar about a master race's evalutation about your precious WII U. BTW I can stand for myself but I only bring up pemalite since he's the only one here who actually knows something compared to you clowns here. You'd likely get clowned too at anandtech like eyeofcore. 

FYI believing in more frauds only begets more frauds like yourself. 

Why talk about bandwidth if you know absolutely nothing about ? Once again kid go back to school before using jesters to call someone out. I dislike peasants as it is and I dislike it even more since most of them are uneducated. Those clowns got a full lecture by pemalite and he pretty much said what I said before. 

Now go and get mad even more over some dude across the globe. Don't forget to continue the argument Hynad and Pemalite started cause I sure as hell didn't get myself involved in it. Be sure not to go into full damage control mode in this thread. 

fatslob-:O said:
Wyrdness said:
fatslob-:O said:

He's probably one of the worst posters ever. XD

He'll continue making pointless essays like this and he has done that shit since he signed up. 

@eyeofcore The reason I reference Pemalite has to do with the fact that he's the only one here knows something. Your posts just further proved why you got owned so hard at anandtech LMAO. The one with bullshit here is you man. You got called out by everyone at anantech LOL. A highly technical site like itself has berated your assessments of the WII U. You have no more credibility left. Your research is completely garbage so far compared to what I have. Your other jester megafenix ain't too bright either.

The deacon here is obviously you but nobody here knows who's right. The only way to find out is going to a city where it's full of knowledge on latin. That city is anandtech and we all know how you ended up there LOL. How's it like to get rejected by one of the biggest tech sites out there ? 

The peasants in the village would be Wyrdness. <------(Ironic that he's betting on the wrong people. LOL His reality ain't the truth but then again I remember peasants being indoctrinated in the past so who am I to blame.)

I'd say you're worse then the peasant, I never mentioned Eye so that's a moot point and highlighted how badly you got schooled when asked about bandwidth by someone else although given your reading difficulties it's easy to see why you can't fathom this. The's a term in the EU that originates from Eastern Europe in that the empty barrel makes the most noise with the barrel representing substance and knowledge in a metaphoric sense, look back at this thread who's the one who has the most posts in these type of threads yet no interest in the platform? Who's the one getting called out by various people and schooled every now and then? Who's the one engaged in multiple arguments that everyone is picking up on? Who's the one in these threads throwing insults at people who pull him of things?

What's funny and further likens this saying to yoy is that you can't even fight your own battles but have to summon help from your dad or village chief to argue your case for you which if Eyeofcore is the deacon then you are well below even the peasents as you're attempt to engage people but get slapped down hard by someone else before running to hide behind this permalite. You know who else does that? Young kids who start trouble then hide behind mummy and daddy that's how you've conducted yourself, you're loud then when people look in your direction to see what's up you hide behind Permalite and that's the point of the saying. You're barrel making noise and when people come to check what's making the noise the's nothing, Mr Red Dead conducted himself in a similar manner only he at least fought his own battles rather then calling his parents.

Ironic since you hide behind eyeofcore and megafenix to do the talking for you. Who's worse ? The peasant that follows the educated or is it the slave that takes in whatever the deacon says ? Your clearly the latter. Being a slave to some jesters is bad enough but if your one of them then I pity you. BTW if your referring to megafenix you have also worshipped another jester. Your hate clouds rationality. Just because you dislike someone don't mean their wrong. You obviously need some tampons to clean up your mess. Just go and accept the facts! Deal with it!

Go and cry moar about a master race's evalutation about your precious WII U. BTW I can stand for myself but I only bring up pemalite since he's the only one here who actually knows something compared to you clowns here. You'd likely get clowned too at anandtech like eyeofcore. 

FYI believing in more frauds only begets more frauds like yourself. 

Why talk about bandwidth if you know absolutely nothing about ? Once again kid go back to school before using jesters to call someone out. I dislike peasants as it is and I dislike it even more since most of them are uneducated. Those clowns got a full lecture by pemalite and he pretty much said what I said before. 

Now go and get mad even more over some dude across the globe. Don't forget to continue the argument Hynad and Pemalite started cause I sure as hell didn't get myself involved in it. Be sure not to go into full damage control mode in this thread. 

cant blame you, you are in so patethic situation you cant even back up your last stateent about the edram caching

sees shinen its to much for you

or maybe is you who is just a little ant that only knows to open its big outh but when a real fight ensues you just get paralyzed like a little doggy

is barking all what you are made off?

please, counter shinens coments if you do really know as much as you say troll


megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
ports will always make thw wii u to underpeform unless the developers change te source code to reallocate resources from main ram to cache or edram, and of course, they also have to leave the sound process to the dsp and use the other core of the wii u cpu for other job to speed up things

of course this takes time and effort and must of the dont ,mind doing it

This sounds like damage control for the WII U. 

If the WII U truly had more "power" these ports wouldn't be struggling because a game will automatically take advantage of more powerful hardware such as the PC. It wouldn't take any effort whatsoever if the hardware was truly more powerful. 

Clearly the WII U fails to provide the much needed bandwidth, fillrate, and processing power for games like COD and batman. 

it5 doesnt really matter how powerful it is if the source code doesnt take profit of the system

the port comes fro xbox, so what the source code takes into account?

only 1 mega of cache

only 10 megas of cache


even if wiiu has triple of that, the source code doesnt use it since its a port of xbox, all what could have been fitted on teh extra cache and edram does directky to main ram sicne the source code tells the system to do so


so, to sollve it, developers have to reallocate the resources, but mmust of them dont mind since are in a hurry


ps4 doesnt have to struggle with this since doesnt have edram, just a big gddr5 main ram, so no matter hopw lazy the developers are, the possibility of making a crap port is very unlikely

You need to understand that there are more factors to a games performance rather than memory usage! 

It is not the usage of memory alone that makes the game performs better. There are other things like fillrate which determine how fast it takes to write textures to a surface and how many pixels it can push out or the processing power required to calculate animations and lighting as well but all of those don't matter if it is under utilizied by low bandwidth either. 

The WII U has clearly demonstrated a lack of these elements altogether in some games shown. 


you understimate edram to much, unlike xbox, its not just for framebuffer, wiiu has edram also for textures, doing intensive cpu works though l3 cache, etc


the problem is that when developers dont make good use of the edram and use to much ram, the main ram bottleneck the gpu and cpu capailities, tahts whats going on


imagine an hd8800 with only 128 megabytes of vram

does it matter?cant we just rely on the main ram?

I'll say it one more time and never again in this thread. You cannot rely the eDRAM everytime becuase it is only used for caching frequently accessed data. There will be a time where the eDRAM misses and that's when the WII U is going to have to access the main memory and only the main memory. The WII U cannot by fed with just 32MB of data, it needs more than that and accessing the main memory is important for that operation. 

There are other bottlenecks in the WII U such as the fillrates and processing power too! The WII U is theoretically all around weaker than the PS360!

didnt you read eyeofcore quote?

is more than just for caching, in fact, did you know that gpus already have small caches for tmus and spus?

how big you think they are?

here is a clue

16kb,64kb, 8kb

compare those caches with the 32 megabytes of edram and is like comparing cpu cache with mainn ram



The easiest way that I can explain this is that when you take each unit of time that the Wii U eDRAM can do work with separate tasks as compared to the 1 Gigabyte of slower RAM, the amount of actual Megabytes of RAM that exist during the same time frame is superior with the eDRAM, regardless of the fact that the size and number applied makes the 1 Gigabyte of DDR3 RAM seem larger. These are units of both time and space. Fast eDRAM that can be used at a speed more useful to the CPU and GPU have certain advantages, that when exploited, give the console great gains in performance.

The eDRAM of the Wii U is embedded right onto the chip logic, which for most intent and purposes negates the classic In/Out bottleneck that developers have faced in the past as well. Reading and writing directly in regard to all of the chips on the Multi Chip Module as instructed.



stop playing dumb dude, i have been reading everyones quotes unlike you, you just here yourself, talking with you feels like talking to the wall, i go back to the previous posts and read eyeofcore again


your statement has already been kicked out twice by shinen with the same line

you want to make the sae statement and me or anyone else use shinen statement counter attack a third time?

Then why don't you go and prove that it ain't a cache! The WII Us eDRAM fits that description PERFECTLY, clown. The purpose of a cache is to store data to be locally accessed by processing units. Geez I'm getting tired of having to point out flaws in your statements for frauds like yourself.

Why don't you go sign yourself up at anandtech to talk about about the subject at hand. This is obviously the wrong place to do it seeing as how you'll only get more frauds like Wyrdness to agree with you. I digress that you'll also be labeled as a jester too seeing as how eyeofcore got called out by alot of tech heads in there. 

fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
fatslob-:O said:
megafenix said:
ports will always make thw wii u to underpeform unless the developers change te source code to reallocate resources from main ram to cache or edram, and of course, they also have to leave the sound process to the dsp and use the other core of the wii u cpu for other job to speed up things

of course this takes time and effort and must of the dont ,mind doing it

This sounds like damage control for the WII U. 

If the WII U truly had more "power" these ports wouldn't be struggling because a game will automatically take advantage of more powerful hardware such as the PC. It wouldn't take any effort whatsoever if the hardware was truly more powerful. 

Clearly the WII U fails to provide the much needed bandwidth, fillrate, and processing power for games like COD and batman. 

it5 doesnt really matter how powerful it is if the source code doesnt take profit of the system

the port comes fro xbox, so what the source code takes into account?

only 1 mega of cache

only 10 megas of cache


even if wiiu has triple of that, the source code doesnt use it since its a port of xbox, all what could have been fitted on teh extra cache and edram does directky to main ram sicne the source code tells the system to do so


so, to sollve it, developers have to reallocate the resources, but mmust of them dont mind since are in a hurry


ps4 doesnt have to struggle with this since doesnt have edram, just a big gddr5 main ram, so no matter hopw lazy the developers are, the possibility of making a crap port is very unlikely

You need to understand that there are more factors to a games performance rather than memory usage! 

It is not the usage of memory alone that makes the game performs better. There are other things like fillrate which determine how fast it takes to write textures to a surface and how many pixels it can push out or the processing power required to calculate animations and lighting as well but all of those don't matter if it is under utilizied by low bandwidth either. 

The WII U has clearly demonstrated a lack of these elements altogether in some games shown. 


you understimate edram to much, unlike xbox, its not just for framebuffer, wiiu has edram also for textures, doing intensive cpu works though l3 cache, etc


the problem is that when developers dont make good use of the edram and use to much ram, the main ram bottleneck the gpu and cpu capailities, tahts whats going on


imagine an hd8800 with only 128 megabytes of vram

does it matter?cant we just rely on the main ram?

I'll say it one more time and never again in this thread. You cannot rely the eDRAM everytime becuase it is only used for caching frequently accessed data. There will be a time where the eDRAM misses and that's when the WII U is going to have to access the main memory and only the main memory. The WII U cannot by fed with just 32MB of data, it needs more than that and accessing the main memory is important for that operation. 

There are other bottlenecks in the WII U such as the fillrates and processing power too! The WII U is theoretically all around weaker than the PS360!

didnt you read eyeofcore quote?

is more than just for caching, in fact, did you know that gpus already have small caches for tmus and spus?

how big you think they are?

here is a clue

16kb,64kb, 8kb

compare those caches with the 32 megabytes of edram and is like comparing cpu cache with mainn ram



The easiest way that I can explain this is that when you take each unit of time that the Wii U eDRAM can do work with separate tasks as compared to the 1 Gigabyte of slower RAM, the amount of actual Megabytes of RAM that exist during the same time frame is superior with the eDRAM, regardless of the fact that the size and number applied makes the 1 Gigabyte of DDR3 RAM seem larger. These are units of both time and space. Fast eDRAM that can be used at a speed more useful to the CPU and GPU have certain advantages, that when exploited, give the console great gains in performance.

The eDRAM of the Wii U is embedded right onto the chip logic, which for most intent and purposes negates the classic In/Out bottleneck that developers have faced in the past as well. Reading and writing directly in regard to all of the chips on the Multi Chip Module as instructed.



stop playing dumb dude, i have been reading everyones quotes unlike you, you just here yourself, talking with you feels like talking to the wall, i go back to the previous posts and read eyeofcore again


your statement has already been kicked out twice by shinen with the same line

you want to make the sae statement and me or anyone else use shinen statement counter attack a third time?

Then why don't you go and prove that it ain't a cache! The WII Us eDRAM fits that description PERFECTLY, clown. The purpose of a cache is to store data to be locally accessed by processing units. Geez I'm getting tired of having to point out flaws in your statements for frauds like yourself.

Why don't you go sign yourself up at anandtech to talk about about the subject at hand. This is obviously the wrong place to do it seeing as how you'll only get more frauds like Wyrdness to agree with you. I digress that you'll also be labeled as a jester too seeing as how eyeofcore got called out by alot of tech heads in there. 

you can use it as you want, framebuffer, texture, etc

those 32megabytes can be used for a lot of things

cache in gpu terms, is more like talking about 8kb,16kb or 64kb

want me to prove my point?

if i do you will have to stop saying bulllshit

i warn you, i have the back up right under my pocket, and ati is in the logo