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fatslob-:O said:

He's probably one of the worst posters ever. XD

He'll continue making pointless essays like this and he has done that shit since he signed up. 

@eyeofcore The reason I reference Pemalite has to do with the fact that he's the only one here knows something. Your posts just further proved why you got owned so hard at anandtech LMAO. The one with bullshit here is you man. You got called out by everyone at anantech LOL. A highly technical site like itself has berated your assessments of the WII U. You have no more credibility left. Your research is completely garbage so far compared to what I have. Your other jester megafenix ain't too bright either.

The deacon here is obviously you but nobody here knows who's right. The only way to find out is going to a city where it's full of knowledge on latin. That city is anandtech and we all know how you ended up there LOL. How's it like to get rejected by one of the biggest tech sites out there ? 

The peasants in the village would be Wyrdness. <------(Ironic that he's betting on the wrong people. LOL His reality ain't the truth but then again I remember peasants being indoctrinated in the past so who am I to blame.)

I'd say you're worse then the peasant, I never mentioned Eye so that's a moot point and highlighted how badly you got schooled when asked about bandwidth by someone else although given your reading difficulties it's easy to see why you can't fathom this. The's a term in the EU that originates from Eastern Europe in that the empty barrel makes the most noise with the barrel representing substance and knowledge in a metaphoric sense, look back at this thread who's the one who has the most posts in these type of threads yet no interest in the platform? Who's the one getting called out by various people and schooled every now and then? Who's the one engaged in multiple arguments that everyone is picking up on? Who's the one in these threads throwing insults at people who pull him on things?

What's funny and further likens this saying to you is that you can't even fight your own battles but have to summon help from your dad or village chief to argue your case for you which if Eyeofcore is the deacon then you are well below even the peasents as you're attempt to engage people but get slapped down hard by someone else before running to hide behind this permalite. You know who else does that? Young kids who start trouble then hide behind mummy and daddy that's how you've conducted yourself, you're loud then when people look in your direction to see what's up you hide behind Permalite and that's the point of the saying. You're the barrel making noise and when people come to check what's making the noise the's nothing, Mr Red Dead conducted himself in a similar manner only he at least fought his own battles rather then calling his parents.