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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FF7 - Is it just me...

Well in that case everyones favorite RPG can't be taken seriously because it was their first RPG apparently. I see what you guys are saying but it really doesn't connect because people only apply it to FFVII. if FFVII is your favorite RPG the first thing most FFVII haters say is "it was obviously your first RPG" but they never say that about any other games.

FFVI sure has a ton of fans, as does Chrono Trigger, do all of those people have ignorant opinions because FFVI or CT were probably their first RPGs?

Everyone starts somewhere, I don't see why someones first RPG being FFVII means you can't respect their opinion if FFVII is their favorite. You all had a first RPG as well...

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^Who said their first RPG has to be their favorite (THAT is th eproblem with FFVII fans, they refuse to consider another RPG on the level of VII)

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Most of the people who dislike FF7 don't have solid factual reasons beyond "X was crappy!" and "OMG TEH BAAAD GRAPHX!!!"

Naznatips' post is a good example of this.

Naznatips said:

Personally I thought FFVII was a piece of unmitigated crap filled with ridiculously awful design decisions, a horribly translated (and bad in the first place) plot, and some of the worst characters in video game history. I think it's the day FF died, and the only time I ever enjoyed FF much after FVII was IX, which imo is one of the best JRPGs ever made.

After that brief glimmer of hope though the FF series is officially dead to me, and I blame FFVII. I have blamed it and hated it ever since I was a 12 year old kid with little sparkles in my eyes paying all the money I had saved up for a year for that PSX and FFVII. I have blamed it ever since I brought it home, popped in that disc, and a part of my soul died with the awfulness. With the horrible lego character models and ridiculous dialog. With the annoying characters, and the pathetic villain (Who wasn't even the main villain of the game BTW).

FFVII is one of the most traumatically awful experiences of my 20 years of gaming.

^^Just my opinion.

There are valid reasons to dislike Final Fantasy VII but most people have boarded the hater-train which is running full speed these days and it's most definitely not powered by valid reasons.

I can't think of a favorite game in a genre that happens to be the first game I ever played in that genre.

I can see your point but from the sounds of things in this thread, most peoples' favorite JRPGs were not the first one they played.

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CrashMan said:
^Who said their first RPG has to be their favorite (THAT is th eproblem with FFVII fans, they refuse to consider another RPG on the level of VII)

apparently everyone is sayign that. If someone likes FFVII the best it must have been their first RPG, but this standard only applies to FFVII fans.

And maybe they really like FFVII the best, that's not a problem. People who cite FFVI as their favorite game of all time usually call it just that, the best game of all time. Is there a problem with them as well? Maybe people who say FFVII is their favorite game actually mean it...why would I admit another RPG is on that same level for me if I didn't think it were true. 


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rocketpig said:
I can't think of a favorite game in a genre that happens to be the first game I ever played in that genre.

I can see your point but from the sounds of things in this thread, most peoples' favorite JRPGs were not the first one they played.

Exactly! They aren't, which means that really has no relevance, or very little. But people paint a picture that if your first RPG is FFVII it's your favorite not because of it's quality but because it was your first RPG. However if your first RPG was one of the other 2,000 RPGs out there you're no effected by this 'first RPG' syndrome that plagues all the people that like FFVII. 

I mean, I can admit my first RPG holds a very special place in my heart, but if a played something I thought was better I would just say it. 


Final Fantasy VII, while a good game, is no doubt overrrated, with many flaws, such as:
It is very poor graphically, especially when you look from its FMV to in-game stuff.

While the character models were not in tip-top shape outside of battle, the surroundings inside areas were very well done. Plus the battle character models were nicely done.

It is extremely easy.

You can change the speed of the battles to a faster pace. You can also change the battles to active mode to where you have to think on your feet nonstop while the enemy is taking turns constantly. It's in the config menu.

Noneof the characters are very memorable, or even likable. I was at the point where I didn't mind Aeris dying because she annoyed me so much. Cloud is also annoying as hell. And who decided to make Yuffie and Cait Sith? WORST MAIN CHARACTERS EVER.

I beg to differ and thought they were the BEST MAIN CHARACTERS EVER (lol caps).
Opinions, Opinions

Sepiroth is a much worse villain than Kefka.

Too broad of an opinion and not worth disputing. Need better reasons why you think this.

The story is also very confusing. Something that would make it more comprehensible must have been lost in translation.

It's confusing yet contains much depth and interest. The player can make up his/her own mind in what happened in many parts.

Battles are an excercize in frustration when several characters can't move. It can take 30 SECONDS between enemy turns.

30 seconds? LOL! exaggerate much? Their turns don't take nearly that long.

Why do I have only 3 slots for equipment? What was wrong with what VI had? 4 Equipment+2 Relics=Awesome.

You should be happy about this, the materia takes care of the relic-like abilities and you can attach more on to you, plus you don't have to fiddle with so much equipment making organization much better. The bare essentials in other words.

Materia makes the game way too easy the way it's set up.

So you're complaining about something that makes the game more playable and faster paced without unneeded crap in your way?

Have you ever tried to navigate a 2 pixel-wide character across a 3-pixel wide bridge, while the camera is 40 feet away? This is the game where you can!

Try harder.

It's unfortunate that it is not as good today as it was 10 years ago. It's also unfortunate that Final Fantasy's decline started with this game.

No game is as good as it was when it first started to the current day. However, many people like me still enjoy the game just as much as when it was released. FF7 just has so much substance in it, and many video games lack this vital element heavily.

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

So, we're talking about first RPG's eh? I'd just like to say that SMRPG was my first RPG, not FF7. I loved SMRPG and is still one of my favorite games. Yet I like FF7 more.

This will only take a moment of your time. *steals your watch*

No game is as good as it was when it first started to the current day. However, many people like me still enjoy the game just as much as when it was released. FF7 just has so much substance in it, and many video games lack this vital element heavily.

I played FFVII last year and it was just as great as ever. The game is so off the wall with it's humor sometimes and I caught a lot of things I didn't before. Turning Cloud gay is so hilarious.

Words Of Wisdom said:

Most of the people who dislike FF7 don't have solid factual reasons beyond "X was crappy!" and "OMG TEH BAAAD GRAPHX!!!"

Naznatips' post is a good example of this.

Naznatips said:

Personally I thought FFVII was a piece of unmitigated crap filled with ridiculously awful design decisions, a horribly translated (and bad in the first place) plot, and some of the worst characters in video game history. I think it's the day FF died, and the only time I ever enjoyed FF much after FVII was IX, which imo is one of the best JRPGs ever made.

After that brief glimmer of hope though the FF series is officially dead to me, and I blame FFVII. I have blamed it and hated it ever since I was a 12 year old kid with little sparkles in my eyes paying all the money I had saved up for a year for that PSX and FFVII. I have blamed it ever since I brought it home, popped in that disc, and a part of my soul died with the awfulness. With the horrible lego character models and ridiculous dialog. With the annoying characters, and the pathetic villain (Who wasn't even the main villain of the game BTW).

FFVII is one of the most traumatically awful experiences of my 20 years of gaming.

^^Just my opinion.

There are valid reasons to dislike Final Fantasy VII but most people have boarded the hater-train which is running full speed these days and it's most definitely not powered by valid reasons.

Actually Nanzatips has posted valid reasons in the past. He is probably like me when it comes to FFVII. I have been posting why I dislike the game since 1997. You can only restate the same points so many times.  I no that I no longer feel like breaking down every aspect of FFVII and point by point stating why I dislike the game. So I will post that I dislike these aspects about FFVII (characters, story, gameplay, etc.) if anyone asks me why, then I will go into detail.

Side note: Has Final Fantasy had a top notch lead character Cecil in FFIV. Butz/Bartz was okay in FFV and FFVI didn't really have a true lead character as it was about party as a whole.