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Forums - Gaming Discussion - FF7 - Is it just me...

Edouble24 said:
Final Fantasy VII is the greatest game ever made and probably always will be. It is popular to hate it but when people go out of their way to hate on something you should take it as a compliment. FFVII is and always will be a well loved and highly respected title regardless of how many people claim it's overrated and people only like it because it was their first RPG(which doesn't even make any sense). Sadly I'll probably never experience a game like FFVII again.

Oh and Sephiroth was surely the main villain in the game, not Jenova.

It's only a compliment if those same people aren't fawning over your earlier, more accomplished, works.

We're not a group of FF haters here, we just don't think that VII is anywhere near the best. I even liked IX better, despite the fact that it had Orco from He-Man in it.

*ducks flying objects*

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Sephiroth wasn't a puppet like the clones. Yes he had Jenova cells in him but so did Cloud, doesn't mean Jenova was controlling Cloud. Cloud and Sephiroth were both able to overcome the influence of Jenova cells and both acted on their own(Cloud sometimes didn't)

And I play more games than most, probably more than 90 percent of the people here. Name a great game from SNES and up and chances are I've probably played it. So really, I should play less games cause I play way too many.

rocketpig said:
Edouble24 said:
Final Fantasy VII is the greatest game ever made and probably always will be. It is popular to hate it but when people go out of their way to hate on something you should take it as a compliment. FFVII is and always will be a well loved and highly respected title regardless of how many people claim it's overrated and people only like it because it was their first RPG(which doesn't even make any sense). Sadly I'll probably never experience a game like FFVII again.

Oh and Sephiroth was surely the main villain in the game, not Jenova.

It's only a compliment if those same people aren't fawning over your earlier, more accomplished, works.

We're not a group of FF haters here, we just don't think that VII is anywhere near the best. I even liked IX better, even if it did have Orco from He-Man in it.

*ducks flying objects*

I didn't say everyone that hated it, just that it IS a popular thing to do. FFVII hate started before the game even released just because Square left Nintendo. Then you have people who like one of the other FF games better and they decide to hate FFVII because it gets all the attention. If FFVII wasn't popular no one would hate it, it has a status that it's so popular that a lot of people hate it just for that. Kinda like Halo to a lesser extent. Just like gamers that started with the PS think it's cool to hate Nintendo, just because a lot of people like something that they aren't into they develop hate for it.

Now there are people that have played FFVII and earnestly hated it, you're probably one of those people. But a lot of people aren't like that.


Not true. FFX sucked ass, wasn't that popular, and I still hate Tidus more than possibly any character to ever appear in a video game (with an honorary mention to Tingle).

Wait... Maybe I just hate Tidus' outfit. Deep down, I'm sure he's a really nice guy. It's not his fault his mother still dresses him (and that his mother happens to be Helen Keller).

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What's not true? I also thought FFX was great but that's just me. I don't like Tidus one bit though.

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Edouble24 said:
What's not true? I also thought FFX was great but that's just me. I don't like Tidus one bit though.

You said that if FFVII wasn't popular, no one would hate it. I responded by saying that FFX wasn't popular, yet I still hated it.

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I can't hear about FF7 without thinking of this anymore:

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

Heh, my first VG RPG was all text based >_
I do have to say, FFVII offered me nothing that I hadn't seen before, repetatively. And its predicessors are, in my opinion, far superior.

Its an OK game I guess, nothing spectacular, and the series has been in rapid decline since its release...

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FFX is pretty popular, and I wasn't being 100 percent serious when I said 'no one' but I did mean a lot of people. People act as if FFVII raped their family or something, I promise you if the game wasn't popular most people wouldn't care enough about it to hate it.

There are FAR worse RPGs on the market but no one goes out of their way to bash them like FFVII. That's how it is with everything that's really popular.

Ugh FFVII, I think I am the only one the forum that despises the game more than Nanzatips. I have never been more disappointed by a game than FFVII. There is nothing about the game I like. The story was putrid, the characters were terrible, the gameplay was a joke, and it has the worse villian in series history. FFVIII was a worse game than VII but you don't have people constantly beating you over the head telling you how great it is. I have run to countless "supposed" RPG fans that tell me that FFVII is the best ever and 90% of those clowns never played an RPG before FFVII. FFVII can't even claim to be the first RPG series with FMV as the Lunar franchise accomplished that on Sega CD and if I'm not mistaken there were Turbo CD RPG's that accomplished the feat even earlier.

Edit: Edouble24 there are a legion fanboys that tell RPG veterans that FFVII is the great rpg ever when its not even the great Final Fantasy ever, hell its not the greatest FF on PS1 that honor goes to FFIX. If gamers were running around telling everyone that Superman 64, Ninjabread Man, or Lair were the greatest games ever, they'd get the same amount of backlash.