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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Did Any of the Big 3 Get It Right in the Console War

Blue Ocean Strategy = break out the value\cost trade off

 “In the entertainment business, there are only heaven and hell, and nothing in between and as soon as our customers bore of our products, we will crash.”  Hiroshi Yamauchi

TAG:  Like a Yamauchi pimp slap delivered by Il Maelstrom; serving it up with style.

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i dont think nintendo got it right at all. 360 and ps3 have much better games and more of them. and thats what counts to me. nintendo need more games that do not bore me in 10 mins.....

Nintendo got it right for Nintendo, Sony might be getting it right with Blu-ray, and MS might be getting it right with increase live users >_>;

All the consoles seem to have a goal, all of which them seem to be hitting, are either of the 3 perfect? Not by a long shot. All of them have pro's and cons.

From 0 to KICKASS in .stupid seconds.

I think the recipes are alright, but the market seems to have tasted enough of certain types of games and gaming. cAPSLOCK made much sense in his post, but there's still a looooong way to go before I'll stop using my PC as the core gaming platform of choice.

NeoRatt said:


Yet again, did a lot of things right. They really found a winning formula where many have failed before with motion controls, but forgot to put the power behind the device to get the kind of graphics and AI we are seeing on 360 and PS3 in games like Unchartered, Resistance, Gears, Call of Duty, and Halo. And why not a DVD playback from the start? No doubt Wii got the most right. Everything works great and the limitations of the console are well known to developers. But, doing things like the Unreal Engine III, consistent implementation of multi-player, and the choice to put more "proven" processing technology within the console is going to hold it back over the long term.

Nintendo stated this in the GC era, they don't wanted to go to just to the graphics update, and for them is just a game machin... thats why they don't care to put a DVD feature... maybe you don't like their vision, but the made it, and so far is a success...

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Gosh, here we go again, say anything bad about Nintendo, here come the fanboys. Nintendo didn't get my vision either. Is it too much to ask for good graphics, and good gameplay? And not have to choose? Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, Bioshock, Mass Effect, and Gran Turismo 5 seem to disagree. I will admit that nintendo got the whole fameplay thing down, but these games go to show that you can have a game that looks good, and plays good also. And I do not believe that any game on the Wii can come any where close (graphically) to the games I mentioned.

i think nin was the closes but they should have upped graphics a bit and put in a standard dvd drive----other then that i have no problem with them


I think Wii + HD graphics = gaming failure.

Do to HD graphics costing so much more i doubt people would be willing to risk the development costs to try something new.

Pretty much every game would be the same games the 360 and PS3 got... and insted of tacking on motion controls they'd just use the gamecube control.  Leaving all the "innovative" games to Nintendo. 

Agrees with DmeisterJ. Nintendo didn't get it THAT right. They could have made better graphics, and the games........ this will improve over time though (hopefully). It would be cool to see games like Bioshock or Uncharted on Wii, but they've chosen their path. Whether it was the right path, depends on the person, not sales. For them it was right, of course.

As a corporation trying to appease many factors, it is impossible to get EVERYTHING right, however which has done the most right? Well I think Nintendo has much more adequately foreseen the potential for the gaming market this generation and in that it makes them a much more successful gaming hardware manufacturer.