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Forums - General Discussion - DVD Collection

^yeah!!! Have any of u guys started to build up a BR collection yet?

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I have 215 DVD's all originals no copies.

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Online IDs: PSN: computermaximus, XBL: computermaximus

I have about 250 DVD's and 50+ Blu-rays

PS3(60GB)/360(Elite)/Wii/SNES/Ultimate Gaming PC owner :)

I have well over 250 DVDs - plus over 75 burned copies. I also have like 16 HD DVDs and 2 Blus. I've got 5 HD DVDs and 5 Blus on the way.

I use to have about 600-700 DVD's but now I'm right around 200 or so after several trips to Movie Trading Company. The girlfriend got me to sell most of them but at least I got a free 80gig PS3 out of selling one batch of them.

(which I still don't feel like was worth it...I loved my DVD's ;_;)