ChronotriggerJM said: @jcp, Well I think I just worded it funny, my point was that if Microsofts OS makes 100 billion dollars (made up but simple number) and they're hardware makes 5 billion dollars, that puts them at 105 billion dollars no >_>? However in this case, their OS made 100 billion dollars, and their hardware made -5 billion dollars, making they're total gain 95 billion dollars.
Essentially I'm viewing they're new devision who's sole purpose is ultimately to gain money, is leeching money off the main source to feed... something >_>;;; So far, their gaming and entertainment devision has had literally less than $0 return on it's expenses thus far, and now that the 360 is in fact profitable to make, I'm wondering if it's profits will ever exceed that of the money lost on it's predecessor or it's failure rate. They're software sales are stellar, and we all know that 1st party titles rake a much higher profit yield than a 3rd party. With such high software sales, I honestly wonder why they didn't just have more internal studios. |
This is only Microsoft's second generation in the hardware home console market. Don't underestimate Microsoft. Most big companies are willing to invest large sums of money into investments that will promote future returns.
Look at Verizon's FiOS business. Verizon is spending billions to implement their new FiOS network. More money than Microsoft initially sunk into the first X-box. And on top of that...Verizon is actually borrowing huge chunks of that money from lenders. This means Verizon is using billions of someone else's money on a business plan that may fail. Verizon isn't expecting to make back that money immediately, but in a few years...Verizon is betting that its Fios network will turn a major return on their initial investment. Big companies do it all the time..I don't see how Microsoft is any different.
If anything..Microsoft probably has the most leverage and flexibility to do it. Give Microsoft some time...I can assure you that Microsof is not just throwing billions into the X-box devision without a plan. I am sure that Microsoft's development, feature implementation and manufacturing practices for hardware will improve with more experience. Nintendo and Sony are veterans in the hardware game...give Microsoft some time.
And I wouldn't be too worried about Microsoft. Most of its specialties are in software (which have grossly higher profit margins than hardware).