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Forums - Gaming Discussion - What games have defined this generation for you and why?

SMG too - showed me what a true mario platformer is

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Wii Play First time playing th wii and using the wii mote

Super Smash 64
the start of a great series for nintendo

wii sports: first time since the introduction of the 3d gaming of ps1/n64 that i actually felt wow'd by a game.

portal: such an original game design and the closest thing to my vision of the "ideal" game i've ever played.

zack and wiki: okay - not really ground breaking but it revived for me one of my long forgotten favorite genres.

SMG: i can't begin to express how much fun i had and time i spent jumping a full orbit around the mushroom space ships. soo much fun is packed in this game.

rock band: just got my hands on it this weekend when i was visiting michigan. simply amazing.