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Forums - Sales Discussion - 360 version of DMC4 destroyed the PS3 in NA!!!!

Dolla Dolla said:


Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 4


92,257 (+40%) 10,869,080
63,383 (+19%) 3,866,125

Considering userbase ... I'd say PS3 did EXTREMELY well against the 360 version.

 just a question about this. In the total column is that for the region or total sales worldwide of the software?

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^ thats just for America.

DMC PS3 sold 208k in Japan on Ps3, and around 95k in EU.

Where as the 360 version sold 40k in Japan and sold 100k in EU.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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thats for N. America sales. Click on the game title for each console to see World Wide sales.

FishyJoe said:
Seems like to me, exclusives for the 360 and PS3 are going the way of the dodo. The way current games are selling, third parties won't favor one console over the other. They will concentrate on multi-platorm titles which pretty much wipes out the advantages one console may have over the other.

 Actually its the Third party exclusive is what going bye bye. MGS4, FF13 FFv13 and TeKKen could posible be the last of that dieing breed. 


First Party games will have to carry most the Destinctivness from now on. Nintendo has the most talented first party, Sony has the larges First party, MS has money to throw around to keep some third party games as first party (NG2, Gears, LO, Halo spin-off 1,2,3) by publishing.

marcus1979 said:
Dolla Dolla said:


Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 4


92,257 (+40%) 10,869,080
63,383 (+19%) 3,866,125

Considering userbase ... I'd say PS3 did EXTREMELY well against the 360 version.

 just a question about this. In the total column is that for the region or total sales worldwide of the software?

 It is the total HW sales.

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konnichiwa said:
marcus1979 said:
Dolla Dolla said:


Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 4


92,257 (+40%) 10,869,080
63,383 (+19%) 3,866,125

Considering userbase ... I'd say PS3 did EXTREMELY well against the 360 version.

just a question about this. In the total column is that for the region or total sales worldwide of the software?

It is the total HW sales.

 Nope it is just NA.

Destroyed? LOL. Hyperbole FTL.

marcus1979 said:
Dolla Dolla said:


Devil May Cry 4
Devil May Cry 4


92,257 (+40%) 10,869,080
63,383 (+19%) 3,866,125

Considering userbase ... I'd say PS3 did EXTREMELY well against the 360 version.

just a question about this. In the total column is that for the region or total sales worldwide of the software?

 no thats the NA sales

Japan sales was

200k PS3

40k 360

and about even in EUR


90k 360

86k PS3 

PooperScooper said:
developers don't look at regional sales dim wit. they look at total sales. Which the PS3 version is beating it out by 100k with 7mil less owners. I say Ps3 version = more successful for capcom than 360 version

 They absolutely look at regional sales as well as world wide sales. You have to know what your user base in various countries like in order to cater to them more specifically. World wide sales are almost certainly more important, but if they are close together than it doesn't matter much one way or the other. If the PS3 sold it at 100% attach rate but only sold as many as the 360 version then it would be equally succesful.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

"They absolutely look at regional sales as well as world wide sales. You have to know what your user base in various countries like in order to cater to them more specifically"


User base in Japan is 3.31x for Ps3. Ps3 sold 5.25 times as many copies though.

But user base is 2.81x for 360 in N. America. 360 only sold 1.58 times as many copies.

User base is 1.37x for 360 in others. and only sold 1.05 times as many copies.

Looking at user base compared to copies sold its safe to say Ps3 fullfilled more expectations than 360. It is also safe to say Ps3 version is selling 100k (after this weeks japan numbers show) more than the 360 version WW with 360 having a 1.78x user base. Unless you are talking about shipping figures. Of course Capcom isn't going to ship the same number of copies for the 360 in Japan as it does for Ps3. And ofcourse they won't ship same number of copies for Ps3 in N. America as it does for 360.