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^ewwww *rejects*

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konnichiwa said:
Wow are you the same guy who made last week: Woohoo I have 1000 posts Thread?

 yes actually he is^^

^it wasn't last week tho - I think more like 2 weeks ago

But I thought you ate spam everyday!!

After all I bet spam gave you like amillion awards for all the forum posting you do everyday

^I never received any cause I don't spam nor like to eat spam either

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^you made almost 30 posts in 30 minutes!!

I would call that = spamming.

^no - more like 30 posts in an hour
and spamming refers to the content too - not just the #

^And the content of your posts were?

Absolutely fantastic - could have been published in the New York Times!!! seriously!

You made an entire thread dedicated to your post count-that in anything else is SPAM.