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Forums - General Discussion - Obama wins Virginia ...

Darc Requiem said:
I live in Virginia, voted for Obama BTW, and the fact that he has apparently steam rolled Hillary is surprising to me. I mean you can't drive five minutes in my state with out some reminder of the Confederacy. I mean US Route 1. is called Jefferson Davis Highway here...


Hay, isn't there a road in Richmond with all these Confederate generals and an Arthur Ashe statue? I was in Richmond @ VCU like 11 years ago ... went to the Tobacco Company - man, that prime rib was as big as my head!

No joke - I dunno the total bill, but our 3 waiters got $300 tips a pop. Dow Jones picked up the tab! 

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Cool, there's no way I want Hilary as president.......I don't know why, I THINK OBAMA SHOULD WIN, NAY DESTROY!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Rugger08 said:
After todays primaries Obama will have overcome the super delegate difference. Does anyone else think it is really lame that some people get a whole freaking vote to themselves?? Why is that person more important than the will of the voters?

If he sweeps, and he's expected to, all he has to do is capture either Texas or Ohio ... and just keep rollin. She HAS to win Texas and Ohio by BIG MARGINS and that's not gonna happen. She was expecting to win some in Va., but that didn't happen ...;_ylt=AiaYb2OyHSq5YB9RXq.HlOas0NUE


@ V

Yeah, I saw that ... LOL ...

Obama has international appeal ...

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Guess who's in Maryland and voted for the best candidate ever?

That's right, you heard me!



I thought you were in Montana?

madskillz said:
Hillary is doing a Guilani in Texas. She's banking on Texas (Hispanic vote, a swath of Southerners) and Ohio. However, quite a few superdelegates are watching and have said they are going to do the will of the people.

Well don't forget that Hillary did win both Michigan and Florida for a total of 266 delegates whose votes do not count during the convention. the Will of the people will be close and if neither candidates has enough votes to secure by the time of the convention it will be a true convention.


I amd fine with either candidate for the Democratic side. I just hope I am wrong about Obama and that he can actually handle a truly contested Campaign so far in his carreer he has only had Gimmes(thanks to the Jack Ryan Scandal and Alan Keyes running an underfunded gimme campaign).

@redspear, those dont count. No one campaigned in either state. Hillary was the only one on the ballet in Michigan.

superchunk said:
I thought you were in Montana?

Common misconception!

Actually, I originally lived in Montana until I was 18, then Ethiopia, than Montana again, and then my parents believed I needed to diversify myself in a less extreme way i.e. the east coast.

And here I am!