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Forums - General Discussion - Obama wins Virginia ...

The MSNBC story hasn't been updated, but NBC projected Virginia for Obama. 

WASHINGTON - Sen. Barack Obama was projected to add to his string of recent victories with a substantial triumph over Sen.  Hillary Rodham Clinton in Virginia’s Democratic presidential primary, NBC News reported Tuesday.

In the Republican primary, NBC said the race between Sen. John McCain and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was too close to call.

Voters in Maryland and the District of Columbia also were going to the polls Tuesday.


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Awesome, GO OBAMA!!!! No Hilary.

I feel another sweep coming to town baby!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, me too, Superchunk. She's in Texas already ...

Obama Obama!

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Obama's recent momentum has me so excited...I think if he gets the nomination (which is looking more and more likely), there's pretty much no way he WON'T get the presidency.

Crusty VGchartz old timer who sporadically returns & posts. Let's debate nebulous shit and expand our perpectives. Or whatever.

I'm rooting for Obama too, but won't Clinton get the advantage back at Texas and Ohio? If what I've been reading is accurate, that could well be the case... What after Ohio/Texas?

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Yep. After today Obama will be rated first in every delegate estimate you can find. Then he may lose a state here or there, but overwhelmingly he will have the most delegates.

If he sweeps next week, Hillary will be forced to submit to his will. ;)

Hillary is doing a Guilani in Texas. She's banking on Texas (Hispanic vote, a swath of Southerners) and Ohio. However, quite a few superdelegates are watching and have said they are going to do the will of the people.

Next week is

Hawaii and Wisconsin. Two more states that should be easy wins for Obama.

Then there is a two week of nothing and on March 9th.

Ohio, Texas, Rhode Island, and Vermont. This will be Hillary's last stand.

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