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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GT5P - 100% Mandatory Install

That Guy said:
hrm. does this mean that you can install it on one PS3, and then install it on like 5 more PS3's?

Hooray for piracy! (note to authority figures: i'm just kidding)

 no cause you need the disc to start the game up.  if you were willing to never quit the game, then yes, you could have it for free.

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I am betting that DMC would have had a hard drive install on the 360, if all of the SKU's came mandatory with a hard drive.
but the arcade does not have a hard drive.


̶3̶R̶D̶   2ND! Place has never been so sweet.

I thought there were three main points of console gaming over PC gaming

1. It does not require upgrading
2. The control scheme is different
3. It does not require the file management and installation that a PC does

I don't like them knocking out one of the three things =\

Munkeh111 said:
@ stockstar, I like the sound of that, that does make the install worth it. However, I am concerned that my hard drive will run out of space (60GB) although I have had mine cleared of the videos I had on there (because it was replaced) so that should ease the pressure a bit

 yeah, i only have about 15GB left.  Thats 3 more or these types of games and my HDD is done.  I have a feeling if Sony says, well just go out and get a bigger HDD, people are going to flip out at them.  They are going to be like, "whaddya mean, I have to spend another $150 on and HDD, after I spent $500 on the console."

wow, so this becoming the status quo for PS3 gaming. 3 games now require long installation times. I though the PS3 was the uber powerfullest game console. It appears its just a PC in disguise.

Again, this is stupid. At this point i would suggest moving the rest of the way into PC gaming.

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Rath said:
I thought there were three main points of console gaming over PC gaming

1. It does not require upgrading
2. The control scheme is different
3. It does not require the file management and installation that a PC does

I don't like them knocking out one of the three things =

 Agree 100%, that's what pulled me to consoles (even though I still am mostly a PC gamer).  What will the full games installation be like?

Stockstar1138 said:
That Guy said:
hrm. does this mean that you can install it on one PS3, and then install it on like 5 more PS3's?

Hooray for piracy! (note to authority figures: i'm just kidding)

no cause you need the disc to start the game up. if you were willing to never quit the game, then yes, you could have it for free.

I'm pretty sure pirates can make a CD-R that can emulate whatever signatures the GT5 game has in order to trick it into thinkin that the CD is on there. It makes it no different than the NO-CD cracks we see on those, uh.... errr PC Game Backup Websites

Willing to never quit the game, eh? That's a definition of a Hard Core gamer to me


in all seriousness, though, the Hard drive thing just opened a pandora's box for Sony. What about those poor PS3 owners who only have a 20 GB HD?

 Why do they need to do an install anyways? Is it trying to get around some kind of bottleneck from the Blu-Ray Drive?  Why not just have a swap file?



Sony has plans on releasing how-to guides for hooking up an external or computer HDD for the PS3.

Y'know I don't really mind installs....but I wish they would stop making them so that we could not have this conversation every damn week.


This is okay... for now. It better become optional in the future.