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Forums - Gaming Discussion - GT5P - 100% Mandatory Install

im not computer expert, but i think the issue with the ps3 is its memory.  they can get better results if they store some of the information on the HDD and stream it, while also reading data off the disc and processing it. 

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This could become a problem for Sony.

Lingyis said:
what's the deal with all this console games going the PC installation route?

it really makes so little sense to me.

i guess there's something about operating system design that makes it hard not to go there because the architecture is so sophisticated? does anybody have some insight on this?

thanks in advance.

It could just be laziness. The same type of laziness/carelessness which causes games to be launched with serious bugs, which then get patched later.


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Bladeneo said:
Hmm, according to Wikipedia the download is only can the blu-ray version force a 5gb install then?

 i think wikipedia is wrong then.  i mean whose information are you going to take, the official gt5 site and a guy that has the game or wiki.

why do u even need to "install" games? Shouldn't u just be able to play the games out of the box? (idk cause the systems I have - GC, PS2, Wii) all don't need to install

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i also add that once you put the game in and load it up, you can eject the disc from the ps3 and play the game fine for hours.

@ stockstar, I like the sound of that, that does make the install worth it. However, I am concerned that my hard drive will run out of space (60GB) although I have had mine cleared of the videos I had on there (because it was replaced) so that should ease the pressure a bit

hrm. does this mean that you can install it on one PS3, and then install it on like 5 more PS3's?

Hooray for piracy! (note to authority figures: i'm just kidding)

Yeah, my HDD is getting quite used up. But I have a bunch of junk on there anyways, so ill have to delete some of it.

I dont think its the size of the install but rather the length of time it takes to play. If it took 5 minutes then it wouldnt annoy me if I had to delete the data then reinstall if I wanted to play again..but 20 minutes everytime?

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